Big Brothers Guide Newest Blue Jays Through Book Day Activities

Big Brothers Collin Thibodaux and Patrick Finegan lead pre-freshmen Michael Buisson and Cyrus Fuxan, wearing their coat and tie, to the table where they will pay for this year’s textbooks.
Big Brothers helped their Little Brothers navigate the second of two Book Days on Wednesday, Aug. 13.
The new Blue Jays appreciated leaning on the experience of their Big Brothers as they put on their neck ties, turned in paperwork, and proceeded through the maze of stations and tables in preparation for the new school year. Returning freshman learned their Book Day lessons last year and completed this year’s Book Day like seasoned pros.
New School Year Begins
This week marks the official start of the 2014 – 2015 school year, beginning with Book Days on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, Big and Little Brothers will gather on campus again for the annual Investiture and Orientation and, on Friday, all students will report to school in full uniform for the first full day of the 2014 – 2015 academic year.
Book Day 2014 - Freshmen and Pre-freshmen, Aug. 13, 2014
Jesuit's President, Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J., greets pre-freshman Davis Edwards.
Senior Bobby Comeaux waits in line with his little brothers, pre-freshmen Evan North and Owen Hite.
Senior Francis Plough assists pre-freshmen Charles Korndorffer and David Childs in setting up their school accounts in the computer lab.
Junior Cameron Kaupp makes sure pre-freshman Colin Haag has his text books in order.
Senior Tyler Robins hands over a boxful of text books to pre-freshman Niko Milonas.
Big Brothers Collin Thibodeaux and Patrick Finegan lead pre-freshmen Michael Buisson and Cyrus Fuxan, wearing their coat and tie, to the table where they will pay for this year's textbooks.
Parent volunteers handle the distribution of P.E. uniforms in the Commons. Janel Fielding, alongside Jill Stoner, hands a shirt to pre-freshman Eric Finney.
Pre-freshman Nicholas Lacour talks with campus ministry director Jeremy Reuther and Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J.
Pre-freshman Ian Recile and senior Osman Torres make their way up the green stairwell to begin the Book Day process.
Pre-freshman Andrew Stagni and junior Chris Abadie meet in the Traditions Courtyard.
One of senior Harrison Bond's little brothers is pre-freshman Ethan Kerrigan )second from right, front row). He is also the real big brother to pre-freshman Max Bond (right).
Prefect of discipline Top Abshire gives instructions to the freshmen lined up to begin the Book Day process.
Senior James Laborde guides pre-freshman Harrison LeBlanc to his locker and explains how to master the combination lock.
Freshman Anthony Ceasar picks up a newly printed Jesuit prayer book and is reminded to take it to Mass on Friday.
Freshmen Harrison Landry, Samuel Guillory, Robert Argote, and Matt Frischhertz ask each other for help finding their nametags. Overheard at the table: "Let me know if you see one of those that looks like me."
Freshmen Anthony Cibilich and Anthony Kelly prepare to pay for their textbooks.
Math teacher Khan Nguyen assists with Book Day receipts.
Using a Touch 'N Go finger-scan system, cafeteria manager Anne Broussard assists freshman William Kitziger with setting up his account.
Freshman Alec Maraldo sits for his ID and yearbook photo.
Freshmen James Bradford, Neil Heusel, and Jack Chaney are armed with their textbooks, ready to begin the new school year.