Admissions Process

Before beginning the admissions process please review the Admissions Timeline below for upcoming events, dates, and deadlines, and become acquainted with Ravenna, Jesuit’s online application management system.

Admissions Timeline 2024-2025AugSeptOctNovJanFebMar
Schedule a Visit9/3
Prospective Parent Preview9/18
Blue & White Night9/21
Fall Momentum10/12
Open House11/6
Archdiocesan Application Form Available11/13
Archdiocesan Application Form Collected11/18
Jesuit Application & Records Due (through Ravenna)11/18
High School Placement Test Day1/11
Letters of Decision Mailed (Emails after noon 2/27)2/26
Welcome Day3/22

Spring Applicants

Please contact the Admissions Office if you are interested in applying for Fall 2025 at or (504) 483-3937. We are eager to guide you through the Spring application process.


Jesuit utilizes Ravenna for all aspects of the admissions process, allowing prospective students and families to create a profile, register for events, apply, submit materials, track application status, and view decisions. Create an account in Ravenna today to receive the latest updates; once registered, you can find Jesuit in the directory of New Orleans schools to “Explore”, register for events, or apply for admission.

Click here for detailed instructions about setting up your Ravenna account.

Admissions Checklist

To apply for admission to Jesuit High School, prospective students and families are invited to attend any or all of our admissions events. To complete the application process, students must submit an online Jesuit Application through Ravenna, an Archdiocesan Application Form, transcripts, standardized test results, and 1st quarter and 2nd quarter (if available) report card(s).