
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, serve as the cornerstone for spiritual formation at Jesuit. Practical training in Christian living is realized in the Campus Ministry program through retreats, days of reflection, liturgies, and other forms of personal spiritual formation. All students are offered opportunities to evaluate their spiritual life and relationship with God through thoughtfully structured annual retreats.
Pre-freshmen and freshmen are required to attend an on-campus day of reflection with their classmates.
Sophomores are required to attend a silent day of reflection with their Theology class at Manresa House of Retreats.
Juniors are required to make a weekend overnight Kairos retreat at a retreat center. This Junior Retreat is a requirement for graduation.
Seniors are offered the opportunity of choosing between the Silent Retreat, the Father & Son retreat, the Discernment retreat, and the Wilderness Camping retreat. These retreats for seniors are held throughout the school-year and are strongly encouraged.
On campus, students are afforded additional opportunities for spiritual growth through daily Mass and Reconciliation, all-day Adoration on Fridays, and additional devotions during Advent and Lent.