Freshman Retreat

The Freshman Retreat is a day retreat focused on the person of Jesus Christ. Through the sacraments and the talks given at this retreat, students are invited into deeper relationship with the Lord.
Freshmen will report to their small group room at 9:00am following their morning exam. Faculty and upperclassmen will be present to lead them throughout the retreat. The day will include Mass, a pizza lunch, talks, and group discussions.
Dress Code and Behavior
Dress for the retreat is Jesuit athletic clothes and tennis shoes.
Cell phones are not allowed at the Freshman Retreat. This day of reflection is a required Jesuit school function; all school rules of conduct apply.
Pick-up Procedures
The retreat will conclude by 2:00pm after Mass and confessions. Please enter the yard via the Banks Street entrance and line up in the same manner as a normal school day dismissal. Students are also able to meet you outside the school yard as if it was a normal dismissal from school.