Fossil Excavation Fuels More Homecoming Week Fun

Senior Efosa Eboigbe digs blindly for this dinosaur in the Fossil Excavation during Thursday’s Homecoming Week activity.
Blue Jays competed in a wild and chaotic Fossil Excavation in Traditions Courtyard on Thursday, Oct. 24, as part of the continuing Jurassic Park-themed Homecoming Week activities this week, coordinated by the Student Council.
Senior Jorge Abadin emceed the event calling on two teams to blindly dig through a pool of mulch to find five baby dinosaurs. The teams then had to draw (also blindly) a dinosaur on a white board to be judged by a panel of resident faux-dino whiteboard-drawing experts: senior Cullen Walsh, junior Ryan Roberts, and Mr. Taylor Bacques.
Teams playing in the contest were: pre-freshmen Benton Moore and Matthew Latham, pre-freshmen Andrew Gruntz and Seth Rocha, sophomore Paul Gelpi and pre-freshman Zack Young, seniors Efosa Eboigbe and James Licciardi, and sophomores John Nimmo and Felix Rabito.
The teams played as the “kind leading the blind” − the digger was blindfolded while his classmate guided the excavation. The teams avoided decoy items like skulls, trees, femurs, and ribs. For the drawing contest, the digger became the guide while his partner was blindfolded to impress the judges with his drawing abilities.
While the pre-freshmen team of Benton Moore and Matthew Latham took an early lead, in the end the senior team won the contest with a purple T-Rex drawing which delighted the crowd and two out of three judges.
The next Homecoming activity, Dino Senior-Faculty Football, will be on Friday followed by a pep rally in the gym.
Homecoming Week concludes when the Blue Jays face the Rummel Raiders at Tad Gormley Stadium on Friday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Homecoming Week 2013: Fossil Excavation, Oct. 24, 2013
Zack Young gets blindfolded to draw his dino.
The seniors celebrate their win with a jump in the pool.
The velociraptor keeps a close eye on the final dino drawing attempt. The competition is fierce.
Round 4: Sophomores John Nimmo and Felix Rabito will compete on Team 1 against the senior team. Part of their strategy is to stay hydrated.
Mr. Taylor Bacques, junior Ryan Roberts, and senior Cullen Walsh take their judging responsibilities seriously.
Senior emcee Jorge Abadin keeps track of the time - ala Dr. Who style - allowed to finish the contest.
The seniors win Round 3 by adding extra details to their drawing.
Senior Efosa Eboigbe digs blindly to find this little dinosaur in the Fossil Excavation.
Round 3: Seniors Efosa Eboigbe and James Licciardi take over Team 2 to compete against the winning pre-freshman Moore-Latham team.
Sophomore John Nimmo carefully listens the the judges critique the artwork to find out that Team 1 will win again.
Pre-freshman Trey Aucoin looks at the pool full of mulch with suspiscion.
Friends appreciated Paul Gelpi's enthusiasm as he finds his first dinosaur and tries to put it in the bucket held by Zack Young.
Round 2: Team 2's sophomores Paul Gelpi and Zack Young compete against the Round 1 winner. Paul gives a thumbs up saying he is ready to begin.
Senior Jorge Abadie declares Team 1 the winner of the Round 1 (since Team 2 didn't make it to the board).
Benton Moore laughs as Matthew Latham removes his blindfold to see his dino drawing.
Team 2: Pre-freshmen Andrew Gruntz and Seth Rocha avoid the decoy ribs (rumored to be of a former pre-freshman).
A crowd gathers to watch pre-freshmen Benton Moore and Matthew Latham excavate dinos out of the mulch.
Senior Christopher Dupre explains the excavation rules to pre-freshman Seth Rocha.
Team 1: Pre-fresham Matthew Latham (right) watches senior Christopher Dupre blindfold his teammate, pre-freshman Benton Moore.