Blue Jays Bring Home First Place in Brother Martin Math Tournament

The Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu teams competed in the Brother Martin Math Tournament on Saturday, Jan. 16.
Thirty-seven Blue Jays, representing Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu, competed in the Brother Martin Math Tournament on Saturday, Jan. 16. The Blue Jays finished in first place and received the overall Division I Sweepstakes Award. Jesuit also earned 1st place in the lower interschool team test (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) and 3rd place in the upper interschool team test (Pre-Calculus, Calculus).
Mu Alpha Theta is a national high school and junior college honorary mathematics club designed to meet the challenge of reaching out to our academically talented students and turning them on to mathematics. Members are students who have completed four semesters of college preparatory mathematics and in addition have completed or are enrolled in a fifth semester mathematics course, providing their mathematics work was done with distinction (minimum B average). The main focus of Mu Alpha Theta is the interaction of our chapter with those of other area schools. This is accomplished through monthly district meetings, local tournaments, and an annual state convention. MAΘ is co-moderated by Ms. Jo Ann Schexnayder and Ms. Khanh Nguyen.
Chi Alpha Mu, standing for Creative Adventures in Mathematics, is the National Junior Mathematics Club for middle schools. Founded in 1967, the organization was reactivated by Mu Alpha Theta in 2008 to promote enjoyment and understanding of mathematics by middle school students. Chi Alpha Mu is moderated by Leslie Merritt.
Individual Honors:
Algebra I: Milan Mardia, 3rd; Dylan Sellars and Tom Levy, Honorable Mention
Geometry: Christopher Vuong, 1st; William Schott, 2nd; Aidan Walker, Honorable Mention
Algebra II: Caleb Rogers, 1st; Garrett Crumb, 2nd; Michael Farrugia, Honorable Mention
Pre-Calculus (Analysis): Christian Gonzalez, 2nd; Andrew Souther, Honorable Mention
Calculus BC: John James, Honorable Mention
Team Tests:
The Algebra II team (Garrett Crumb, Michael Farrugia, David Gravolet, and Caleb Rogers): 1st place in Math Bowl
The Pre-Calculus (Analysis) team (Samy Amkieh, Christian Gonzalez, James, Groos, and Andrew Souther): 4th place in Math Bowl
Comp Math 1 (Algebra/Geometry) team (Peter James, Milan Mardia, Caden Swain, and Christopher Vuong): 1st
Comp Math 1 (Algebra/Geometry) team (James Bercaw, Dylan Sellars, Darren Tsang, and Aidan Walker): 3rd
Comp Math 1.5 (Geometry/Algebra II) team (Peter Carr, William Schott, Timmy Stahel): 2nd
Calculus BC (Kenneth Krizan, Mayank Mardia, Matthew Miceli, Steven Sellers): 1st
Potpourri (Cameron Armand, Anton Derbes, Trevor Roussel, Andrew Vuong): 2nd
Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu, Ben Franklin Tournament, Jan. 16, 2016
Algebra I students Dylan Sellars, Max Holmes, Milan Mardia, Tom Levy, Darren Tsang, Colby Zito, Caden Swain and James Bercaw represented Jesuit at the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
Algebra II students Timmy Stahel, Garrett Crumb, Paul James, Michael Farrugia, Nathan Alvarez, Peter Carr, Caleb Rogers, and David Gravolet represented Jesuit at the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
The Algebra II Math Bowl team, consisting of Caleb Rogers, David Gravolet, Michael Farrugia and Garrett Crumb, earned the first place trophy at the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
Analysis students Andrew Souther, Christian Gonzalez, Samy Amkieh, James Groos, Cameron Armand, Baasel Syed, and Trevor Roussel competed in the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
Analysis students Samy Amkieh, James Groos, Andrew Souther, and Christian Gonzalez finished fourth in the Pre-Calculus Math Bowl team event.
The Calculus BC team, consisting of seniors Kenneth Krizan, Matthew Miceli, Steven Sellers, and Mayank Mardia, finished first in the Calculus team test at the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
Calculus students Andrew Vuong, Anton Derbes, Steven Sellers, Mac Carr, Kenneth Krizan, John James, Matthew Miceli, Mayank Mardia, and Harrison Millar represented Jesuit at the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
Geometry students Aidan Walker, Jack Zvonek, Peter James, Christopher Vuong, and William Schott represented Jesuit at the Brother Martin Math Tournament.
The team consisting of Trevor Roussel (Analysis), Anton Derbes (Calculus), Andrew Vuong (Calculus), and Cameron Armand (Analysis) was awarded the second place trophy in the Potpourri event.