Blue Jay Band’s Spring Concert Delights Large Crowd

The Concert Band performs the “Star Spangled Banner.”
A standing-room-only crowd filled the auditorium for the Blue Jay Band’s annual Spring Concert and Award Ceremony on Saturday, April 23. Band director Mr. M. Joseph Caluda ’79 led the concert band and associate band director Mr. Jason M. Giaccone led the jazz band performances.
With music that ranged from patriotic (“Star Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott Key) to contemporary (“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” by John Williams) to jazz (“What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong), the chorus, concert band, and jazz band dazzled the crowd.
The band recognized seniors Chandler Ancar, Noah Billeaux, Dane Castillo, Kevin Credo, Chalon Fogarty, Nicholas Fresneda, Phillip Gerave, Trai Gerkin, Gabe Griffin, Jared Headrick, Christopher Johnson, Tristan Killgore, Kenneth Krizan, Jae Kweon, George Leblanc, Jordan Prechac, Kyle Richoux, Ethan Schneider, Sterling Stafford, Anthony Stoner, Matthew Tores, and Andrew Vuong.
Seniors Philip Gerarve and Tristan Killgore received the Rev. Elwood P. Hecker Award. The award is given to the bandsmen who best show dedication to music, honesty, understanding, dependability, and Blue Jay Spirit.
The Band and Jayette Booster Organization was thanked for their support.
Blue Jay Band & Chorus Spring Concert, April 23, 2016
The Jazz Band performs "Chameleon" by Herbie Hancock.
The Jazz Band plays Stevie Wonder's "Sir Duke."
William Fine plays the set with the Jazz Band on Stevie Wonder's "Sir Duke."
Senior Dan Castillo and sophomore Garrin Mesa sing "What A Wonderful World" with the Jazz Band.
Sophomore Garrin Mesa sings with the Jazz Band on "What A Wonderful World."
Senior Dane Castillo sings with the Jazz Band during "What A Wonderful World."
Senior Leo John Arnett on set with the Jazz Band.
The Jazz Band "string" section.
Senior Sterling Stafford on keyboards with the Jazz Band.
Senior Kyle Richoux solos during "Chameleon."
Junior Cameron Rosen plays set on "Chameleon" with the Jazz Band.
The Jesuit Barbershop Quartet Club Performs.
Senior Tristan Killgore receives the Elwood P. Hecker Award.
Senior Philip Gerarve receives the Elwood P. Hecker Award.
The Concert Band perfoms music of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."
The Concert Band performs music of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."
The Concert Band performs music of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."
Senior Gabe Griffin plays the triangle during "They Led My Lord Away."
Senior Kyle Richoux on bassoon.
The Concert Band performing the "British Eighth March."
The Concert Band performs the "Star Spangled Banner."
The combined Jesuit and Ursuline Chorus performs "Ay Que La Caña Verde."