Sodality Celebrates Year-End Mass of Thanksgiving

The Sodality of Our Lady celebrated their final Mass of the 2015-16 school year on Wednesday, May 4.
The Sodality of Our Lady closed out the 2015-2016 school year with a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Fr. John Brown, S.J. Sodalists from various grade levels attended an evening liturgy on Wednesday, May 4 in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs to give thanks to God for the many blessing received throughout the academic year.
Seniors from the Sodality of St. Edmund Campion also gave their personal witness to younger members of the Sodality to encourage them in the faith. Seniors Rob Hinyub, Benji Creel, Matthew Torres, and Joseph Stagni gave solid words of advice. Brady Stiller, prefect of the Senior Sodality and of the Sodality-at-Large, was honored for his great spiritual leadership and service throughout the year.
Numerous moderators of the Sodality were also present. For some it was a special evening because it was also their last Sodality Mass as faculty members, including Mr. Julio Minsal, S.J.; Mr. Stephen Kramer, S.J.; and Fr. John Brown, S.J., all of whom will be leaving Jesuit High School this summer. Next year the Sodality will be left in the hands of Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J., who will also serve as Chaplain of Jesuit High School.
More than 70 Sodalists present, from various grade levels, renewed their promises before the Blessed Virgin Mary with the following words:
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, I [name] although most unworthy, yet moved by the sincerest love, and impelled by the desire of serving thy Son, do this day choose thee, in the presence of my Guardian Angel, and the whole Heavenly Court, for my Queen, my Advocate, and my Mother; and I firmly resolve, henceforth faithfully to serve thee, and to do all in my power to increase the number of thy servants.
I therefore pray and beseech thee, O most affectionate Mother, through the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for my sake, to guard and protect me, and to receive me as thy servant forever. Assist me in all my undertakings, and obtain for me, that I may so regulate my thoughts, words, and actions as never to displease either thee or thy most Holy Son. Remember me, O dearest Mother, and forsake me not at the hour of my death. Amen.
All glory to God and the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
The Sodality of Our Lady is collaborative work of Campus Ministry and the Jesuits in residence at Jesuit High School. The Sodality aims to foster brotherhood in the community of its members, form them spiritually, and promote charitable acts of service. Each grade level sodality promises a commitment to: daily prayers and devotions, Mass before school once a week, and an annual retreat with the other Sodalists. Their brotherhood is strengthened by their ongoing spiritual formation at weekly meetings and service projects.