Jesuit High School’s Class of 2016 Has 273 Graduates, 15 Co-valedictorians

The graduates of the Class of 2016 sing the Alma Mater, the last time they will do so as an entire group.
View the Class of 2016 Graduation Photo Gallery
View the Photo Gallery of the 2016 Baccalaureate Mass
Valedictory Address by Connor Maheu a Tribute to Jesuit’s President
Commencement Address by Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J. ’66, President of Jesuit High School
Diplomas were awarded to 273 members of Jesuit High School’s Class of 2016 by school president Fr. Anthony McGinn, S.J. at Commencement Exercises on Tuesday evening, May 24 at the Pontchartrain Center in Kenner.
The faculty of Jesuit High School nominate seniors who are deserving of three special awards. By tradition, and by a vote of the faculty, the recipients were announced the night of graduation.
- Brady R. Stiller received the Reverend Father President’s Spiritual Leadership Award, which is presented to the senior who has exerted the greatest spiritual influence on others by living a life exemplifying his Catholic faith.
- Joseph P. Dupré received The Julia Ferguson McEnerny Memorial Trophy, Donated by Will Gibbons McEnerny of the Class of 1914, an award established to honor one graduating senior who has a good scholastic record, actively participated in co-curricular activities, and possesses those qualities which symbolize “the most representative student of Jesuit High School.”
- Evan J. Slattery was the recipient of the Very Reverend Father Pedro Arrupe Award, which recognizes the senior who has exemplified the spirit of being a man for others by his participation and excellence in service.
Fifteen Co-valedictorians Among the 273 Graduates

The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship was awarded to 15 seniors who graduated with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They were also named co-valedictorians of their class. From left: Andrew J. Cerise; Benjamin C. Creel; Nicholas P. Fresneda; John R. James; Cameron F. Kaupp; Kenneth E. Krizan III; Connor J. Maheu (who delivered the valedictory address); Mayank Mardia; Harrison H. Millar; Brian M. Piglia, Jr.; Cole S. Retif; Jeremy W. Scheffler; Evan J. Slattery; Brady R. Stiller; and James A.J. Stoner.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship was awarded to the seniors who graduated with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They were also named co-valedictorians of their class. This year the award was merited by 15 seniors: Andrew J. Cerise; Benjamin C. Creel; Nicholas P. Fresneda; John R. James; Cameron F. Kaupp; Kenneth E. Krizan III; Connor J. Maheu (who delivered the valedictory address); Mayank Mardia; Harrison H. Millar; Brian M. Piglia, Jr.; Cole S. Retif; Jeremy W. Scheffler; Evan J. Slattery; Brady R. Stiller; and James A.J. Stoner.
Andrew J. Cerise, the son of Janis van Meerveld and Charles A. Cerise, Jr. of New Orleans, will attend Tulane University (Honors Program) and major in history and political science.
Benjamin C. Creel, the son of Elizabeth and Terry Creel of New Orleans, will attend the University of Mississippi (Honors Program) and major in biology and business.
Nicholas P. Fresneda, the son of Michele and Patrick Fresneda of Destrehan, will attend Northeastern University (Honors Program) and major in computer engineering.
John R. James, the son of Alison and Mark James of Metairie, will attend the University of Dallas and will major in classics and mathematics.
Cameron F. Kaupp, the son of Gina and Christopher Kaupp of Metairie, will attend the University of Notre Dame and major in civil engineering.
Kenneth E. Krizan III, the son of Sandee and Kenneth Krizan, Jr. of Harahan, will attend Fordham University (Honors Program) and major in accounting.
Connor J. Maheu, the son of Charel and Christopher Maheu of New Orleans, will attend the University of Notre Dame and major in aerospace engineering.
Mayank Mardia, the son of Sudha and Manish Mardia of Kenner, will attend the University of Pennsylvania and major in business economics and public policy.
Harrison H. Millar, the son of Karen Millar of Metairie and David Millar of Metairie, will attend Louisiana State University (Honors Program) and major in biology and pre-medicine.
Brian M. Piglia, Jr., the son of Susan and Brian Piglia of Metairie, will attend the University of Alabama (Honors Program) and major in mechanical engineering.
Cole S. Retif, the son of Lesley and Kenneth Retif ’76 of Metairie, will attend Louisiana State University and major in accounting.
Jeremy W. Scheffler, the son of Jacqueline and William Scheffler IV ’88 of Destrehan, will attend the University of Alabama (Honors Program) and major in biology.
Evan J. Slattery, the son of Beth and Richard Slattery ’83 of Kenner, will attend the University of Notre Dame.
Brady R. Stiller, the son of Dana and Jay Stiller of Madisonville, will attend the University of Notre Dame and major in biology.
James A.J. Stoner, the son of Jill and James Stoner, Jr. of Gretna, will attend the University of Notre Dame.
Jesuit High School’s Class of 2016
Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of summa cum laude were Christopher W. Abadie, Evan M. Aucoin, Brandon G. Beck, Mark R. Beebe, Jr., William P. Brewster, Carlo A. Carino, Maurice A. Carr, Aubrey A. Champlin, Gray V. Cressy, José M. Cuscó IV,
Reid A. Detillier, Jacob M. Doran, Jacob J. Dubos, Evan P. Dudenhefer, Joseph P. Dupré, Jason P. Finegan, Chalon L. Fogarty II, Phillip A. Gerarve, Ethan M. Gilberti, Benjamin M. Gillen,
Alex M. Gomez, Cole D. Grieshaber, Peter X. Hontas, William J. Hurley, Reginald T. Jackson II, Mark E. Jaunet, Jr., Tristan C. Killgore, Joshua S. Lacoste, Edwin G. Laizer,
Spencer G. Lemoine, Conrad A. Leonik, Cameron P. McCall, Chance M. Melancon, Matthew J. Miceli, Samuel J. Nettleton, Andrew M. Nguyen, Bryan Nguyen, Jonathan K. Niehaus, John M. Nimmo, Colin M. North,
Jon T. Odell, Stephen M. Owers, Kyler T. Pisciotta, Felix M. Rabito, Zachary W. Robbins, Darren P. Ruiz, Peyton C. Ruppert, Patrick T. Rye, Steven L. Sellers, Conrad H. Skinner, Sterling A. Stafford,
Arjun Verma, Andrew T. Vuong, Wyatt O. Weilbaecher, Robert U. Weiss IV, Edward T. Welsch, Brandon M. Wolff, and Logan K. Yokum.
Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of magna cum laude were Claudio P. Aguirre, William T. Anderson, Cade M. Arbour, Cameron D. Armand, William H. Breaux, Anton J. Derbes, William M. Dowling, Paul H. Dupuy IV, Zachary O. Gandy, Ryan P. Gaudet, Charles E. Glass, James A. Groos,
David A. Keller, Jr., George T. LeBlanc, Adam C. Ledet, Joseph-Richard C. Malbrough, Samuel D. Martin, Chase A. Mascaro, Cody N. Nguyen, Austin M. North, Robert E. Oswald III, Evan J. Palmisano,
Griffin J. Pels, Seth M. Pohlmann, Michael B. Pou, Jordan A. Prechac, Charles L. Rice III, Ethan A. Rocha, Trevor J. Roussel, Chase K. Rushing, Jackson O. Scott, Nicholas G. Slay,
Matthew S. Torres, Richard C. Vanderbrook III, Alexander S. Vargas, Jonathan H. Vazquez, Andrew J. Westholz, Kyle M. Westholz, and Matthew J. Zeringue.
Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of cum laude were Alexander E. Aguilar, Benjamin N. Bares, Hunter J. Chapman, Kevin M. Credo, Andrew D. Dyer, John G. Fasick III, Kent T. Flower, Gregory R. Fortier, Gary J. Hollander III,
Christopher S. Johnson, John M. Kemmerly, John K. LaForge, Jr., Brady J. LeBlanc, Schaffer K. Mickal, John A. Mieras, Daniel R. Puente, John W. Sewell, Dominic S. Sunseri, Joshua J.L. West, and David S. Zazulak.
Earning the Accelerated Program Diploma for having successfully completed a five-year program above and beyond the school’s ordinary requirements were Jacob M. Buuck, Ethan T. Calamia, Peter A. Espinoza, Jaafar J. Gharib, Robert S. Hinyub III, Henry L. Mason IV, Mason T. Mayfield, Evan O. Poche, Austin C. Reed, and Nolan M. Stone.
Completing the College Preparatory Course with the special commendation of summa cum laude were Austin J. Blanchard, Cade H. Fuxan, Jared A. Headrick, Myles D.A. Kuss, Jaeyeon Kweon, Joseph A. Stagni, Jr., and Carlos S. Zervigon.
Completing the College Preparatory Course with the special commendation of magna cum laude were Demetrio E.C. Castillo, Caleb D. Chauhan, Lionel J. Favret IV, Collin J. Gillen, Thomas J. Hellmers, Crew A. Jacobs, Justin M. Lorio, Thomas G. Mason, Jr., Philip W. Meric, Henry T. Moreau, Kenneth P. Murray, Jr.,
John M. Murret, Andre L. Nguyen, Ryan T. Nguyen, Tommy D. Nguyen, Jacob P. Niehaus, Cristian E. Orellana, Francesco A. Pineda, Ryan J. Redmann, Kyle R. Richoux, Jon M. Ruello, Jr., Rudra B. Shukla, Roshan I. Sojitra, James M. Stoddard, Kyle D. Sullivan, and Justin M. Vlosich.
Completing the College Preparatory Course with the special commendation of cum laude were Brandon T. Adam, Cristian A. Archaga, Corey J. Barberito, Jackson P. Bauer, Ryan G. Berzas, Randall C. Bullard III, Ethan M. Camet, Cody M. Capps, Victor M. Castellon, Jr., William L. Chautin, Lane J. Cormier,
Jacob A. Ducote, Sean M.T. Duffy, Jr., Matthew J. Folse, Dillon A. Fuchs, Hayden W. Fuentes, Paul J. Gelpi III, Trai M. Gerkin, Charles G. Glorioso, Gavin A. Gusler, Ronald A. Harper, Jr.,
Brett B. Hocke, Zachary T. Holmer, Zachary J. Huck, Paul J. Ineich III, Leland W. Jackson, Richard S. Jenkins, Ryan L. Kramer, Jake A. Licciardi, Kalija K. Lipscomb, Connor M. Maginnis, Connor J. McGowan, Matthew C. Mount III,
Tyrus R. Norcise, Richard J. Oubre III, Guy R. Patron, Jr., Evan T. Ruppert, Connor J. Schexnayder, Joshua M. Schmidt, Kevin M. Sullivan, Baasel A. Syed, Wolfe A. Waguespack, Seth C. Walker, and Zachary D. Young.
Completing the College Preparatory Course were José A. Aleman, Jr., Chandler C. Ancar, Austin M. Ashburn, Ross P. Barrilleaux, Noah D. Billeaud-Lehotsky, Joseph P. Bongiovanni, Brandon P. Briuglio, Devyn J. Campiso, Thomas M. Cassagne, Jonathan P. Cedro, Blaine R. Corvers, John P. Curran, Joseph D. Cvitanovich,
Daniel J. D’Aquin, Scott J. Derbes, Kyle J. DiMarco, David L. Discon, Cody M. Duhon, Arsys M. E’Etessam, Alejandro B. Esparza, Michael C. Fleming, Sean A. Fogg, Seth M.C. Fuentes, Joshua A. Genovese, Bert E. Gilmore IV,
Gabriel G. Griffin, Caleb D. Hart, Peyton A. Hidalgo, Stephen L. Hoorman, Jr., Malachi S. Hull, Jr., Ben A. Incaprera, Bradley S. Ingram, Solomon J. Jupiter, David E. Maheu, Jr., Connor J. Martinez,
Dominic T. McGinnis, Henry T. Mitchell, Sebastian J. Navia, Joey K. Nguyen, Dickson D. Ogbomah, Jr., Eric O’Neal, Jr., Connor B. Passantino, Akintunde S. Pounds, Edward J. Rice IV, Zachary H. Robert,
Rodney P. Schaubhut, Jr., Karson S. Schmitt, Ethan E. Schneider, Ty A. Tarzetti, Jacob P. Theriot, William P. Waguespack, Kolby D. Weber, Jakirai R. Wiley, and Michael A. Woods.