When Called to Serve, Blue Jays Soar

Entire subdivisions in the Watson/Denham Springs area are engulfed by flood waters. (Photo credit: Patrick Dennis, The Advocate)
As the saying goes, it’s 10 percent what happens and 90 percent reaction that truly reveals a person’s character. Jesuit High School strives to develop in its students the competence, conscience, and compassion that will enable them not only to be men of faith, but also men for others. In the wake of recent flooding, the tenet of compassion has taken on greater meaning for many as disaster response picks up both in the classroom and on the ground.
With neighboring parishes still reeling, there’s no mistaking it – the Jesuit High School community is ready to help. Through September 1, homerooms will collect donations for Immaculate Conception Parish, a Jesuit parish in north Baton Rouge, where Fr. Tom Clark, S.J., reports that 70 families have lost their homes. Donations will support a full-range of parish relief efforts including meals, clothing, supplies, and assistance with long-term rebuilding efforts.
As days pass families face the immediate need of clearing out homes before mold becomes an insurmountable battle. Last weekend, a bevy of Jesuit basketball players, wrestlers, and coaches traveled upriver to gut houses and clean debris for Immaculate Conception parishioners. Similar efforts will continue this Saturday, Aug. 27, when director of community service Mr. Kevin Murphy will accompany 13 sophomores to Denham Springs for their sophomore day of service. Through coordination with Youth Rebuilding New Orleans – an organization engaging local youth in its mission to not only rebuild area neighborhoods, but also lift community spirits – students will be working on a day-long clean-up project.
However it’s not just students who live Jesuit’s mission – alumni hear their call, too. On Saturday, ten classmates from the Class of 1985 will travel to an area particularly hard-hit by the flooding to tear out sheetrock in the homes of elderly residents. Many alumni groups are using outlets like their class Facebook pages to rally volunteers and coordinate their efforts.
Looking to get involved? Through Labor Day, Immaculate Conception Parish is seeking cleaning supplies, such as bleach, gloves, masks, mops, and buckets; toiletry items; newly packaged underwear for children and adults; and gift cards to stores like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s. As families are relocated to temporary housing in the coming weeks, items like pillows and blankets will be accepted after Labor Day. At this point, clothing and toys are not being accepted for capacity reasons.
To make donations or volunteer in Immaculate Conception Parish, please call Fr. Clark directly at (225) 773-2036.