MCJROTC Excels in Inspection and Celebrates Marine Corps’ Birthday

Senior Cadet Captain Noah Griffin, who received recognition as a standout MCJROTC member, steps up for his inspection.
Annual Inspection
The Jesuit MCJROTC program received overall high marks, including outstanding grades for a group of exemplary cadets, in its annual inspection.
Click Here for Annual Inspection Photo Gallery
On Friday, Nov. 4, Marines from Marine Forces Reserve Headquarters in Algiers conducted a personnel inspection of the entire Cadet Battalion. In total, one hundred and six cadets were inspected, and of this group 13 cadets received outstanding grades on their personnel inspection. The recognized cadets include freshman Dylan Blady, senior Noah Griffin, junior Andrew Gruntz, sophomore Gus Huete, freshman Sebastian Maraldo, junior Alec Maraldo, junior Nathan Pajares, freshman Terrol Perkins, senior Austin Ros, junior Thomas Sagona, freshman Evan Taffaro, senior Jared Tonglet, and freshman B.J. Williams. The overall Best Inspected Platoon was Second Platoon, Company A, led by Cadet Second Lietuenant Christian Crout (senior).
The inspection also consisted of unarmed drill by each platoon. The Best Drill Platoon was Battalion Staff Platoon, Headquarters Company, led by Cadet Major Brooks Simons (senior). The Armed Drill Platoon, led by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel John Crowson (senior), was graded outstanding. The Battalion Color Guard, led by Cadet Captain Noah Griffin (senior), also received an outstanding grade.
For their hard work, cadets were rewarded with a jambalaya lunch, which also gave them the opportunity to talk one-on-one with the Marines conducting the inspection.
Marine Corps’ Birthday Celebration

From right, Cadet LtCol. John Crowson (senior) and Cadet SgtMaj. Travis Kieff (senior) cut and pass out the cake during the birthday ceremony.
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, Jesuit’s MCJROTC celebrated the United States Marine Corps’ 241st birthday with great pride and reverence. Since Nov. 1, 1921, the Marine Corps birthday celebration has served, by the order of then-Commandant Gen. John A. LeJuene, as a reminder of the accomplishments of the Corps’ service. Each year, Marines across the globe gather to commemorate the Corps’ founding with a traditional birthday cake-cutting celebration. Jesuit’s MCJROTC acknowledges this tradition with its own ceremony for friends and family of cadets.
Click Here for Marine Corps’ Birthday Photo Gallery
During the ceremony, the MCJROTC recognizes a distinguished military guest. This year’s honoree was LtCol. Brandon Gregoire ’91, who has completed several operational deployments to Iraq and counts the Bronze Star Medal among his many honors. LtCol. Gregoire was commissioned in 1996 via the Officer Candidates Class program, and has since served in intelligence billets at the battalion, regimental, divisional, and Marine expeditionary force level. LtCol. Gregoire was also selected for the Department of Defense’s Congressional Fellowship Program, and transitioned to the Pentagon where he served as an analyst in HQMC’s Strategic Initiatives Group. In 2016, he received a master’s degree with distinction in National Security and Strategic Studies from United States Naval War College. He currently serves as the inspector-instructor of Intelligence Support Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve in New Orleans.
After the colors were presented by the Color Guard and LtCol. Gregoire gave a short speech, the Battalion Commander, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Crowson, cut the cake with an NCO (non-commissioned officer) sword. As is tradition, the first piece was given to the guest of honor, with the second and third pieces going to the oldest and youngest cadets present, Cadet Second Lieutenant Buchanan Elms (senior) and Cadet Private Adam Essa (pre-freshman) respectively.
Congratulations to the MCJROTC on their annual inspection performance and successful Marine Corps’ birthday celebration!