Faculty Spend MLK Holiday In Contemplation

Theology teacher Scott Delatte ’06 walks the grounds during one of the periods of silent reflection.
On Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 16 and 17, faculty and staff attended a silent retreat in Manresa House of Retreats in Convent, La. The annual faculty retreat is on a rotating schedule, alternating between a talking retreat held at Solomon Episcopal Retreat Center and a silent retreat at Manresa.
Fr. Aaron Pidel, S.J., who served as a teacher and campus minister at Jesuit during his regency from 2005-2008, was the director of the retreat. Fr. Pidel is currently completing his Ph.D. studies in theology at the University of Notre Dame and took time before the semester began to spend time with his former colleagues. Drawing from The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Fr. Pidel presented on the theme of the teacher as a force for personal influence in the lives of his or her students.
Each day officially beganĀ at 9:00 a.m. and ended around 3:00 p.m. after Holy Mass in the Sacred Heart Chapel on the grounds. Over 40 attendees stayed overnight, enjoying the silence and peace of the grounds.
The Jesuit faculty retreat is part of an overarching program of faculty formation, which includes the mentor program and the three year faculty formation program for new teachers. The goal of faculty formation is to bring teachers into contact with the pedagogy and spirituality of the Society of Jesus.
Faculty Retreat, Jan. 16-17, 2017
Fr. Aaron Pidel, S.J., addresses the faculty using meditations from <i>The Spiritual Exercises</i> of St. Ignatius.
Theology teacher Scott Delatte walks the grounds of Manresa during a period of silent reflections.
Jesuit chaplain Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J., takes a moment for prayer beneath the oaks.
Math teacher Leslie Merritt and Spanish teacher Andy Dykema return from a walk to the back of the grounds.
Alumni Service Corps members Jason Britsch '12 works on one of the meditations in an ideal spot.
Spanish teacher Matt Austin and guidance counselor Donny Songy '07 take advantage of the silence and weather.
Math teacher John Lavie '83 returns from the deep woods on a contemplative walk.
College placement counselor Allie Timberlake walks along a line of winter trees during a period of reflection.
Fr. Pidel gives tips for navigating a period of meditation.
Alumni Service Corps member Jordan Holmer '12 and English teacher Taylor Bacques '09 sit along the front lawn near the gates to the retreat grounds.
Theology teacher Ted Mahne finds a good spot between the columns of St. Mary's Hall.
Fr. Pidel finds some respite along the front of the Sacred Heart Chapel.
Social studies teacher Steve Hayes walks around the fountain with some devotional reading material.
Math teacher Paul Rogers enjoys some quiet time on the steps of Xavier Hall.
The day retreat concludes with Mass in the Sacred Heart Chapel.
Math teacher Kate Brauner leads the faculty in the Responsorial Psalm.
Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J., Jesuit's chaplain, proclaims the gospel as Fr. Donald Saunders, S.J., prayerfully listens.