Newest Jays Flock to Campus for New Student Orientation

Senior Brayton Whittington gives the Jesuit “J” pin to his Little Brother C.J. Evans at the Investiture ceremony.
It was a spirited beginning to the 2018-2019 school year for the 300 new Blue Jays who attended New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 16. A day without academic work, the emphasis is on making new connections and feeling great about being a Blue Jay.
View the Photo Gallery of New Student Orientation
The day began with the annual Investiture ceremony held in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs. The ceremony provides the school community the opportunity to welcome new Blue Jays into the Jesuit family and to reflect upon the role these young men will play in maintaining Jesuit’s long-standing traditions.
New Blue Jays were given a gift by their big brothers – “J” pins, representing tangible signs of the Jesuit spirit that has been handed down from student to student for more than 170 years. The “J” symbolizes the spirit, the vigor, and the faith required of each Blue Jay who walks the halls. The pin is worn on the shirt’s left lapel.

The featured alumni speaker was Jacob Meariman ’13, pictured here with Preston Bordes and his Little Brother, new student Patrick Roddy.
The alumni speaker at Investiture was Jacob Meariman of the Class of 2013, which just celebrated its 5-year reunion this summer. Recounting his own story of entering Jesuit with just five friends from his grammar school, Meariman encouraged new Jays to face their fear of not measuring up as they encounter talented people in their new school. Following Meariman’s address, senior Brayton Whittington took to the podium to share some personal thoughts about his Jesuit experience.
Watch the Video of Meariman’s Address to New Students
Following Investiture, new students went through their class schedules. Big brothers accompanied their little brothers to help them find their way on campus. This year, many big brothers have been assigned two little brothers from different schools. This sense of inter-school diversity helps introduce two new students who might not otherwise have a chance to meet each other for several weeks. Students also met with Jesuit principal Peter Kernion ’90 for a practical advice on making the most out of their Jesuit experience.
By the time the new Blue Jays had run through a mini-version of their class schedules, it was time to experience the first pep rally of the year. New students took to Blue Jay Spirit with gusto, as student leaders introduced them to the cheers, fun, and excitement of the Jesuit experience.
On Friday, all students return to campus for the first day of school. Homeroom begins at 7:50 a.m., followed by Morning Assembly and all seven classes.
New Student Orientation, Investiture Ceremony and Pep Rally, Aug. 16, 2018
Pre-freshmen and their Big Brothers get ready to open the 2018 Investiture Ceremony by processing in with the flags.
On New Student Orientation Day, students file into the Chapel of the North American Martyrs for the 2018 Investiture Ceremony.
Fr. Kevin Dyer, Fr. Christopher Fronk, and Mr. Peter Kernion watch the Investiture procession.
Accompanied by his Little Brothers Ethan Benoit, senior Michael Schmidt processes toward the altar carrying the banner of Committed to Doing Justice," one of the 5 Characteristics of a Graduate at the Time of Graduation.
New Blue Jays were given a gift by their big brothers – “J” pins, representing tangible signs of the Jesuit spirit that has been handed down from student to student for many years. The “J” symbolizes the spirit, the vigor, and the faith required of each Blue Jay who has walked our halls. The pin is worn on the shirt’s left lapel.
Mr."Top" Abshire, prefect of discipline, stands as senior Dowen Fife introduces him and explains his roles.
Jacob Meariman '13 speaks to the students about having compassion for their fellow students.
Pre-freshmen Ben Cruz attentively listens to the featured alumni speaker Jacob Meariman '13.
Fr. Fronk blesses the pins.
Senior Brayton Whittington gives the Jesuit “J” pin to his Little Brother C.J. Evans at the Investiture ceremony.
Pre-Freshnman Caleb St. Pierre receives his Jesuit “J” pin from his his Big Brother Aidan Walker at the Investiture ceremony.
Senior Dowen Fife opened up the Investiture Ceremony and welcomed the new Blue Jays to Jesuit.
Senior Brayton Whittington followed alumnus speaker Jacob Meariman '13 and shared with new students his expirence at Jesuit and encouraged them to get involved and make new friends.
The featured alumni speaker was Jacob Meariman '13, pictured here with Preston Bordes and his Little Brother, new student Patrick Roddy.
Mrs. Wess Mandella greets new students in her Spanish class.
While new students attend class, big brothers Cameron Helm, Ethan Kerrigan, Nick Artigues, and Jon Blatcher catch up in the halls.
Fr. Frank Reale, S.J., gets to know his class full of eager minds.
Mr. Jonathan Hernandez '00 has just three new students in his freshman class – Davis Hubert, Thomas Payne, and Parker Peyronnin.
In homeroom, Pre-Freshmen Andre Amedee familiarizes himself with his new schedule.
Fr. Donald Saunders, S.J.,calls out attendence for his new homerooms class.
Before the first full school day Pre-freshmen get the opportunity to run through their schedule and have ten minute class sessions with their new teachers.
Jesuit principal Peter Kernion '90 speaks to the entrire class with some practical advice.
In a laid-back homeroom period, Fr. Kevin Dyer, S.J. explains "Pocket Js" to new students. A "Pocket J" is the idea that you can always form the letter "J" with your index finger and your thumb. Forming the "J" in your pocket and revealing it from your pocket is highly encouraged.
As new students and their Big Brothers file into the auditorium, pre-freshman Wade Rogers takes a photo with Jayson, the school's Blue Jay mascot.
Out of nowhere, student body president Dowen Fife and senior class president Langston Goldenberg elevate onto the stage to lead the pep rally.
Joining Fife and Goldenberg on stage is Marc Dougherty, the student council executive aide. Dougherty explained to new students what a "Pocket J" is and invited Big Brothers to...
...throw their pocket Js in the air!
Goldenberg and Dougherty lead the audience in the "Roller Coaster"cheer.
Dowen Fife, dressed as a cow, participates in the Roller Coaster.
After learning some Jesuit chants and cheers, new students enjoy performances from the cheerleaders,...
,...and the Blue Jay Band!
Sophomore clarinetists Michael Melancon and Hunter Richardson stand front and center as they perform.
The three student leaders return to the stage and close out the Pep Rally by throwing stuffed animals to the audience.
Pre-freshman Gavin Cuenca has a blast trying to catch a stuffed animal.
Some students gave Jayson a high-five as they left the Pep Rally, while others...
...stopped to get a photo with him.