Awards Night Shines the Spotlight on Blue Jay Excellence

The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. This year, the award is merited by 11 seniors: Christopher A. Vuong, Tyler C. Lobitz, Jonathan A. Sanders, William R. Schott, Matthew J. Dowling, Matthew J. Vlosich, Neehar N. Desai, Josef G. Ernst, Peter V. James, Matthew G. LaCour, and Charles T. Korndorffer (absent).
Many high-achieving Blue Jays were recognized for their academic, co-curricular, and athletic accomplishment during the 2018–2019 school year at the annual Awards Night ceremony on Thursday, May 16, in the Jesuit Auditorium.
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Academic departments honored high-achieving students in a variety of subjects. University Book Awards were also presented to nine students on the basis of academics, co-curricular activities, community service, and high character.
Co-curricular awards were presented for achievement in a variety of organizations. From Marine Corps JROTC to Debate to the Philelectic Society to National Honor Society to the Pro-life Club — students earned recognition for their success and dedication to the mission and ideals of Jesuit High School.
Athletic Awards were presented to numerous Blue Jays, who were recognized for their accomplishments on the field of play. Additionally, letters earned in various co-curricular organizations were distributed to those who earned them.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. This year, the award is merited by 11 seniors: Neehar N. Desai, Matthew J. Dowling, Josef G. Ernst, Peter V. James, Charles T. Korndorffer, Matthew G. LaCour, Tyler C. Lobitz, Jonathan A. Sanders, William R. Schott, Matthew J. Vlosich, and Christopher A. Vuong.
2019 Awards Night Recipients
University Book Awards
The University Book Awards were presented to next year’s graduating class on the basis of academics, co-curricular activities, community service, and high character. These students evidenced sincere concern for others and made significant contributions to Jesuit High School outside the classroom. This year, the following members of the Class of 2018 were honored for their accomplishments:
- The Brandeis University Book Award was presented to Carter S. Montalbano.
- The George Washington University Book Award is given to Luke G. LaCour.
- The Holy Cross College Book Award was given to James G. Bercaw.
- The Randolph College Book Award was presented to Thomas S. Levy.
- The Saint Michael’s College Book Award was given to Jonathan A. Tittle.
- The Tulane University Book Award was presented to Richard D. Montoya.
- The Washington and Lee University Book Award was given to William C. Wells.
- The Williams College Book Award was presented to Ryan C. Castellon.
- The Yale University Book Award is presented to Hayes T. Martin.
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Academic Awards
- The Frank T. Howard Memorial Award — for excellence in English — was merited by Christopher A. Vuong.
- The Jesuit 500 Club Award — for excellence in Latin — was merited by Peter V. James.
- The William Helis Memorial Award — for excellence in Greek — was merited by Matthew G. LaCour.
- The Loyola University Award for Mathematics — for the senior with the highest overall average in mathematics — was merited by Christopher A. Vuong.
- The Reverend William J. Ryan Memorial Award — for excellence in social studies — was merited ex aequo by Matthew J. Dowling and Matthew G. LaCour. (donated by the late Dr. J. Joseph Ryan in memory of his brother, Rev. William J. Ryan)
- The Frank T. Howard Memorial Award — for excellence in physics — was merited by Bradley J. Fugetta.
- The Jimmy Kuck Award — for excellence in chemistry — was merited by Dominic J. Stoner.
- The Award for Excellence in Biology was merited by Nicholas M. Nobile.
- The Paquette Family Award — for overall excellence in French — was merited by William R. Schott.
- The L’Union Français Award — for excellence in French conversation — was merited by Davis C. Laibe.
- The Ubaldo Trelles Memorial Award — for excellence in Spanish — was merited by Eduardo S. Seoane.
- The Susan & Garic Schoen Award — for excellence in computer studies — was merited by Lucas A. Deane.
- The Bausch & Lomb Science Award — presented annually to the junior who has displayed the most outstanding cumulative achievement through the junior year in the sciences — was merited by Dylan M. Sellars.
- The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal — given annually to a junior in recognition of outstanding cumulative achievement through the junior year in both mathematics and science — was merited by Dominic J. Stoner.
- The Award for Excellence in Theology is awarded ex aequo to Andrew D. Burger-Chaisson and Matthew G. LaCour.
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Co-Curricular Awards
- The Professor Michael Cupero Memorial Award for Musical Excellence, donated by his grandson, Col. Hamil M. Cupero ’56, is awarded to William T. Mentz, Jr.
- The Vincent Liberto Award for 2nd place in instrumental music is awarded to Matthew A. Vuong.
- The Reverend Francis A. Fox, S.J. Memorial Award for instrumental music, donated by Mr. Harry Morel, Sr, is merited by Christopher A. Vuong.
- The John D. Schilleci Memorial Award for elocution in the senior division is merited by Aqib F. Zakaria.
- The Felix J. Hebert Memorial Award for excellence in public debate in the junior division is awarded to Milan Mardia.
- The Lea N. Hebert Memorial Award for excellence in public debate in the senior division is merited by Matthew G. Richard.
- The Giunio Socola Memorial Award for excellence in debate in the Lincoln-Douglas senior division is awarded to Aqib F. Zakaria.
- The Aloysius J. Cahill Memorial Award for proficiency in oratory is merited by Matthew G. Richard, Jr.
- The Philelectic Society Award for outstanding achievement in dramatics is merited by Alexander D. Doll.
- The award for outstanding achievement in Quiz Bowl is merited by Herman D. Webster III.
- The Culture of Life Award is given to the student who has shown exemplary leadership in the Jesuit Pro-Life Club. This award is merited by Michael J. Owers.
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Athletics Awards
- The William D. and Maybell Postell Award for the senior basketball player with the best leadership, scholarship, and spirit is awarded to Elijah P. Morgan.
- The “Fighting Jaylet” Award donated by Mr. Charles W. Heim, Jr., for the junior varsity basketball player who has demonstrated the highest quality of excellence as a student-athlete is awarded to Joshua P. Washington.
- The Rodriguez Family Award for the most valuable swimmer is awarded to Davis H. Edwards.
- The Christopher Morgan Memorial Award for the cross-country letterman who has best exemplified courage, leadership, sportsmanship, and spirit is merited by Matthew G. LaCour.
- The Stanley Ray Award for the most improved track letterman for the current year is merited by Aiden M. Devine.
- The Chester M. Rieth Award for the senior letterman in track leadership, sportsmanship, and spirit is presented to Jacob L. Torres.
- The Michael D. Conway Award for the most valuable player on the soccer team is awarded to Gabriel J. Sims.
- The Edwin F. Stacy, Jr. Memorial Wrestling Award for the senior letterman who made a major contribution to the team, excelled in academics, exhibited exemplary leadership, and sacrificially worked for the benefit of his teammates is awarded to Darren A. Ferrier, Jr.
- The Coach Edwin W. Toribio Memorial Award, given to the senior football letterman who best combines scholarship and athletics, is a member of another sports team, and also has the highest average, is presented to Michael H. Schmidt.
- The Morris B. Redmann, Jr. Memorial Award for the outstanding senior football letterman who best combined scholarship and athletics is presented to Robert A. McMahon.
- The Don Ford Award for the best football lineman of the current year is presented to Perry L. Ganci, Jr.
- The Daniel “Rusty” Staub Memorial Award for the senior baseball letterman with the best sportsmanship, leadership, and spirit is merited by William J. Moran III.
- The Most Valuable Tennis Player Award for the tennis letterman who has made a significant contribution to the tennis team by having exhibited exemplary leadership and having performed in an outstanding manner is presented to Herman D. Webster III.
- The Most Valuable Golfer Award for the golfer who has made a significant contribution to the team, having exhibited exemplary leadership, and having performed in an outstanding manner in tournament play is presented to Britton K. Khalaf.
- The Most Valuable Bowler Award for the bowler who has best exhibited sportsmanship, leadership, and determination, while also demonstrating a high quality of excellence as a student-athlete is presented to Adam C. Francis.
The all-around athletic award recipients, as selected by the head coaches of each sport and athletic department administrators, are as follows:
- The Coach Gernon Brown Memorial Award for the best all-around athlete of the junior varsity teams for the 2017-2018 school year is awarded to Luke G. LaForge.
- The Joseph Michael Worley Memorial Award given to the graduating senior who by his unselfishness, sportsmanship, and spirit during his career at Jesuit has enhanced the athletic program as a player, manager, trainer, or student is presented to Luke M. Eccles.
- The Robert T. Casey Memorial Award for the varsity athlete who manifested the best sportsmanship and spirit is awarded ex aequo to Nicholas A. Artigues and Brenden J. Berggren.
- The Award for All-Around Athletic Ability centering on the most outstanding ability found in a student-athlete in an individual sport is merited by Charles T. Korndorffer.
- The Larry Gilbert Family Memorial Award for the best all-around athlete on the varsity teams for the current year is awarded ex aequo to Robert A. McMahon and Perry L. Ganci, Jr.
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District & State Rally Winners
On April 1, 23 Jesuit students competed against 5,000 other students in the 110th Louisiana State Rally. Eighteen of those Blue Jays placed in the top five in their respective events
- 1st in Division and Overall:
Richard M. Welsch— Advanced Math – Pre-Calculus
Luc O. Carriere— Spanish I
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National Latin Examination Awards
- Perfect Score — Latin I
Kyle D. Jackson
Ethan M. Schenck
- Perfect Score — Latin II H
Nicholas M. Nobile
- Perfect Score — Latin V H
Peter V. James
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Non-Athletic Co-Curricular Awards
The Marine Corps JROTC Awards
- The American Legion Bronze Medal for Scholastic Excellence is awarded to the senior MCJROTC cadet who earns the highest GPA. The award will be presented by the commander of American Legion Post #125, Mr. Richard Bell. This year, the award is merited by Cadet Major Peyton Toups.
- The American Legion Bronze Medal for Military Excellence is awarded to the senior MCJROTC cadet who distinguishes himself through his military bearing, discipline, character, and citizenship. The award will be presented by the commander of American Legion Post #125, Mr. Richard Bell. This award is merited by Cadet Colonel August Huete.
- The Sons of American Revolution JROTC Bronze Medal is awarded to the junior MCJROTC cadet who has exhibited the highest standards of leadership, military bearing, and excellence. The award will be presented by Mr. John Dildy. This award is merited by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Dylan Blady.
- The Daughters of the American Revolution Junior ROTC Bronze Medal is presented to the cadet who distinguishes himself through his dependability, good character, and discipline. This award is merited by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Tanet.
- The Military Order of World Wars Bronze Medal is presented to the outstanding freshman MCJROTC cadet. This award is merited by Cadet Corporal Joseph Finger.
- The Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Medal is presented to the senior MCJROTC cadet who exhibits outstanding leadership both in the MCJROTC Program and other activities. The award will be presented by Commander Larry Jones, United States Coast Guard, retired, representing VFW Post #8973. This award is merited by Cadet Sergeant Major Carson Keller.
- The Military Officers’ Association of America JROTC Medal is presented to the MCJROTC cadet who has exhibited superior leadership, dedication, and character. This award is merited by Cadet Major James Lawrence.
- The Daedalian JROTC Achievement Award is presented to a junior MCJROTC cadet who has demonstrated outstanding patriotism, love of country, and service. This award will be presented by Mr. John Dildy and is merited by Cadet First Lieutenant Darren Tsang.
- The Woman Marine Association Outstanding Cadet Award is presented to the outstanding sophomore MCJROTC cadet. The award will be presented by Lieutenant Colonel Nora Huete, United States Marine Corps (retired) of the Women Marines Association. This award is merited by Cadet Sergeant Joaquin Enamorado.
- Noncommissioned Officers Association Award is presented to the MCJROTC cadet who, while serving as a noncommissioned officer, has demonstrated superior military bearing, personal appearance, and leadership. This award is merited by Cadet Sergeant Major Joseph Ditta III.
- The Knights of Columbus Patriotism Award is presented to the junior and sophomore MCJROTC cadets who distinguishes themselves through their patriotism and leadership. This award is merited by junior Cadet Corporal Todd Hunt, Jr. and by sophomore Cadet Corporal Eric Wolf and will be presented by Commander Larry Jones, United States Coast Guard, retired.
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The National Honor Society Awards
- The Excellence in Leadership Award is given to the NHS Senior member who has provided exemplary leadership to the chapter. This year the award is merited by Nicholas G. Cibilich.
- The Excellence in Service Award is presented to the NHS member who has completed the most community service. This year the award is merited by James E. Gegenheimer.
- The Excellence in Character Award is given to the member of the chapter who best models what it means to be “a man for others” inside and outside of the school. This year the award is merited by Michael H. Schmidt.
- The St. Aloysius Gonzaga Award for the Member of the Year is presented to the Senior who most fully embodies the four pillars that distinguish the National Honor Society: Character, Leadership, Service, and Scholarship. This year the award is merited ex aequo by William S. Braham.
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The Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Awards
- The José Luis Baños Award for Excellence in Spanish, given by Sociedad Española, is merited by Josef G. Ernst.
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Perfect Attendance Award
The perfect attendance award is given to students who have been present for all classes during their entire career at Jesuit High School. These Blue Jays have not been absent, tardy, or exited early on any school day from August 2013–May 2018.
The Senior Perfect Attendance Award is merited by 4 senior: Alexander D. Doll, Justin J. Fortier, Beau C. Gibbons, and Donovan H. Huynh.
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Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class.
This year, the award is merited by 5 seniors: Neehar N. Desai, Matthew J. Dowling, Josef G. Ernst, Peter V. James, Charles T. Korndorffer, Matthew G. LaCour, Tyler C. Lobitz, Jonathan A. Sanders, William R. Schott, Matthew J. Vlosich, and Christopher A. Vuong.
Awards Night, May 16, 2019
The Most Valuable Bowler Award for the bowler who has best exhibited sportsmanship, leadership, and determination, while also demonstrating a high quality of excellence as a student-athlete is presented to Adam C. Francis.
The Bausch & Lomb Science Award is presented annually to the junior who has displayed the most outstanding cumulative achievement through the junior year in the sciences. This year the Bausch & Lomb Award is merited by Dylan M. Sellars.
The Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Certificate is given annually to a junior in recognition of outstanding cumulative achievement through the junior year in both mathematics and science. This year's Rensselaer Medal is merited by Dominic J. Stoner.
The Reverend William J. Ryan Memorial Award for Social Studies, donated by Dr. J. Joseph Ryan, is merited ex aequo by Matthew J. Dowling and Matthew G. LaCour.
The Reverend William J. Ryan Memorial Award for Social Studies, donated by Dr. J. Joseph Ryan, is merited ex aequo by Matthew J. Dowling and Matthew G. LaCour.
The Frank T. Howard Memorial Award for English is merited by Christopher A. Vuong.
The Larry Gilbert Family Memorial Award for the best all-around athlete on the varsity teams for the current year is awarded ex aequo to Robert A. McMahon and Perry L. Ganci, Jr.
The Larry Gilbert Family Memorial Award for the best all-around athlete on the varsity teams for the current year is awarded ex aequo to Robert A. McMahon and Perry L. Ganci, Jr.
The Robert T. Casey Memorial Award for the Varsity Athlete who manifested the Best Sportsmanship and Spirit is awarded ex aequo to Nicholas A. Artigues and Brenden J. Berggren.
The Robert T. Casey Memorial Award for the Varsity Athlete who manifested the Best Sportsmanship and Spirit is awarded ex aequo to Nicholas A. Artigues and Brenden J. Berggren.
The Joseph Michael Worley Memorial Award given to the graduating senior who by his Unselfishness, Sportsmanship, and Spirit during his career at Jesuit has enhanced the athletic program as a player, manager, trainer, or student is presented to Luke M. Eccles.
The Coach Gernon Brown Memorial Award for the Best All-Around Athlete of the Junior Varsity Teams for the current school year is awarded to Luke G. LaForge.
The Award for Excellence in Biology is awarded to Nicholas M. Nobile.
The Most Valuable Golfer Award for the golfer who has made a significant contribution to the team, having exhibited exemplary leadership, and having performed in an outstanding manner in tournament play is presented to Britton K. Khalaf.
The Most Valuable Tennis Player Award for the tennis letterman who has made a significant contribution to the tennis team by having exhibited exemplary leadership and having performed in an outstanding manner is presented to Herman D. Webster III.
The Daniel "Rusty" Staub Memorial award for the Senior Baseball Letterman with the best Sportsmanship, Leadership, and Spirit is merited by William J. Moran III.
The Don Ford Award for the Best Football Lineman of the current year is presented to Perry L. Ganci, Jr.
The Morris B. Redmann, Jr. Memorial Award for Outstanding Senior Football Letterman who best combined Scholarship and Athletics is presented to Robert A. McMahon.
The Coach Edwin W. Toribio Memorial Award, given to the senior football letterman who best combines scholarship and athletics, is a member of another sport team, and also has the highest average, is presented to Michael H. Schmidt.
The Edwin F. Stacy, Jr. Wrestling Award for the senior letterman who made a major contribution to the team, excelled in academics, exhibited exemplary leadership, and sacrificially worked for the benefit of his teammates is awarded to Darren A. Ferrier, Jr.
The Michael D. Conway Award for the Most Valuable Player on the Soccer Team is awarded to Gabriel J. Sims
The Chester M. Rieth Award for the Senior Letterman in Track Leadership, Sportsmanship, and Spirit is presented to Jacob L. Torres.
The Christopher Morgan Memorial Award for the cross-country letterman who has best exemplified courage, leadership, portsmanship, and spirit is merited by Matthew G. LaCour.
The Rodriguez Family Award for the Most Valuable Swimmer is awarded to Davis H. Edwards.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Neehar N. Desai.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. This year, the award is merited by 11 seniors: Christopher A. Vuong, Tyler C. Lobitz, Jonathan A. Sanders, William R. Schott, Matthew J. Dowling, Matthew J. Vlosich, Neehar N. Desai, Josef G. Ernst, Peter V. James, Matthew G. LaCour, and Charles T. Korndorffer (absent).
Rev. Christopher Fronk, S.J., President of Jesuit High School, gives the closing address.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Christopher A. Vuong.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Matthew J. Vlosich.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is William R. Schott.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Jonathan A. Sanders.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Tyler C. Lobitz.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Matthew G. LaCour.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Peter V. James.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Josef G. Ernst.
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship is awarded to the seniors who are graduating with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. They are also named co-valedictorians of their class. One of the eleven seniors receiving the award is Matthew J. Dowling.
The "Fighting Jaylet" Award donated by Mr. Charles W. Heim, Jr., for the Junior Varsity BasketballPlayer who has demonstrated the highest quality of excellence as a student athlete is awarded to Joshua P. Washington.
The William Helis Memorial Award for Greek is merited by Matthew G. LaCour.
The Loyola University Award for Mathematics, given to the senior with the highest overall average in mathematics, is earned by Christopher A. Vuong.
The Jimmy Kuck Award for Excellence in Chemistry is presented to Dominic J. Stoner.
The Ubaldo Trelles Memorial Award for excellence in Spanish is awarded to Eduardo S. Seoane.
The Paquette Family Award for excellence in French is merited by William R. Schott.
The L’Union Français Award for French is merited by Davis C. Laibe.
The Jesuit 500 Club Award for Latin is awarded to Peter V. James.
The Award for Excellence in Theology is awarded ex aequo to Andrew D. Burger-Chaisson and Matthew G. LaCour.
The Award for Excellence in Theology is awarded ex aequo to Andrew D. Burger-Chaisson and Matthew G. LaCour.
The Susan & Garic Schoen Award for Excellence in Computer Studies is awarded to Lucas A. Deane.
The Frank T. Howard Memorial Award for excellence in Physics is awarded to Bradley J. Fugetta.
Peter V. James earned a perfect score on the National Latin Exam for Latin V H.
The Daughters of the American Revolution Junior ROTC Bronze Medal is presented to the cadet who distinguishes himself through his dependability, good character, and discipline. This award is merited by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Tanet.
The Daedalian JROTC Achievement Award is presented to a junior MCJROTC cadet who has demonstrated outstanding patriotism, love of country, and service. This award is merited by Cadet First Lieutenant Darren Tsang.
The Sons of American Revolution JROTC Bronze Medal is awarded to the junior MCJROTC cadet who has exhibited the highest standards of leadership, military bearing, and excellence. This award is merited by Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Dylan Blady.
The American Legion Bronze Medal for Military Excellence is awarded to the senior MCJROTC cadet who distinguishes himself through his military bearing, discipline, character, and citizenship. This award is merited by Cadet Colonel August Huete.
The American Legion Bronze Medal for Scholastic Excellence is awarded to the senior MCJROTC cadet who earns the highest GPA. This year, the award is merited by Cadet Major Peyton Toups.
The Senior Perfect Attendance Award is merited by Donovan H. Huynh.
The Senior Perfect Attendance Award is merited by Beau C. Gibbons.
The Senior Perfect Attendance Award is merited by Justin J. Fortier.
The Senior Perfect Attendance Award is merited by Alexander D. Doll.
Earning 1st in Division and Overall in Spanish I at State Rally was Luc O. Carriere.
Acheiving 1st in Division and Overall for Advanced Math: Pre-Calculus at the State Rally was Richard M. Welsch
The Military Order of World Wars Bronze Medal is presented to the outstanding freshman MCJROTC cadet. This award is merited by Cadet Corporal Joseph Finger.
Nicholas M. Nobile earned a perfect score on the National Latin Exam for Latin II H.
Ethan M. Schenck earned a perfect score on the National Latin Exam for Latin I.
Kyle D. Jackson earned a perfect score on the National Latin Exam for Latin I.
The Yale University Book Award is presented to Hayes T. Martin.
The Williams College Book Award is presented to Ryan C. Castellon.
The Washington and Lee University Book Award is given to William C. Wells.
The Tulane University Book Award is presented to Richard D. Montoya.
The Saint Michael’s College Book Award is given to Jonathan A. Tittle.
The Randolph College Book Award is presented to Thomas S. Levy.
The Holy Cross College Book Award is given to James G. Bercaw.
The George Washington University Book Award is given to Luke G. LaCour.
The Professor Michael Cupero Memorial Award for musical excellence, donated by his grandson, Col. Hamil M. Cupero ’56, is awarded to William T. Mentz, Jr.
The William D. and Maybell Postell Award for the Senior Basketball Player with the Best Leadership, Scholarship, and Spirit is awarded to Elijah P. Morgan.
The Lea N. Hebert Memorial Award for Excellence in Public Debate in the Senior Division is merited by Aqib F. Zakaria.
The John D. Schilleci Memorial Award for Elocution in the Senior Division is merited by Milan Mardia.
The Culture of Life Award is given to the student who has shown exemplary leadership in the Jesuit Pro Life Club. This award is merited by Michael J. Owers.
The award for outstanding achievement in Quiz Bowl is merited by Herman D. Webster III.
The Philelectic Society Award for outstanding achievement in Dramatics is merited by Alexander D. Doll.
The Aloysius J. Cahill Memorial Award for Proficiency in Oratory is merited by Matthew G. Richard, Jr.
The Giunio Socola Memorial Award for Excellence in Debate in the Lincoln-Douglas Senior Division is awarded to Aqib F. Zakaria.
The Felix J. Hebert Memorial Award for Excellence in Public Debate in the Junior Division is awarded to Milan Mardia.
The Reverend Francis A. Fox, S.J. Memorial Award for Instrumental Music, donated by Mr. Harry Morel, Sr, is merited by Christopher A. Vuong.
The Vincent Liberto Award for 2nd Place in Instrumental Music is awarded to Matthew A. Vuong.
The Brandeis University Book Award is presented to Carter S. Montalbano.
The José Luis Baños Award for Excellence in Spanish, given by Sociedad Española, is merited by Josef G. Ernst.
The St. Aloysius Gonzaga Award for the Member of the Year is presented to the Senior who most fully embodies the four pillars that distinguish the National Honor Society: Character, Leadership, Service and scholarship. This year the award is merited by William S. Braham.
The Excellence in Character Award is given to the member of the chapter who best models what it means to be “a man for others” inside and outside of the school. This year the award is merited by Michael H. Schmidt.
The Excellence in Service Award is presented to the NHS member who has completed the most community service. This year the award is merited by James E. Gegenheimer.
The Excellence in Leadership Award is given to the NHS Senior member who has provided exemplary leadership to the chapter. This year the award is merited by Nicholas G. Cibilich.
The Knights of Columbus Patriotism Award is presented to the junior and sophomore MCJROTC cadets who distinguishes themselves through their patriotism and leadership. This award is merited by junior Cadet Corporal Todd Hunt, Jr. and by sophomore Cadet Corporal Eric Wolf and will be presented by Commander Larry Jones, United States Coast Guard, retired.
The Knights of Columbus Patriotism Award is presented to the junior and sophomore MCJROTC cadets who distinguishes themselves through their patriotism and leadership. This award is merited by junior Cadet Corporal Todd Hunt, Jr. and by sophomore Cadet Corporal Eric Wolf and will be presented by Commander Larry Jones, United States Coast Guard, retired.
Noncommissioned Officers Association Award is presented to the MCJROTC cadet who, while serving as a noncommissioned officer, has demonstrated superior military bearing, personal appearance, and leadership. This award is merited by Cadet Sergeant Major Joseph Ditta III.
The Woman Marine Association Outstanding Cadet Award is presented to the outstanding sophomore MCJROTC cadet. The award will be presented by Lieutenant Colonel Nora Huete, United States Marine Corps (retired) of the Women Marines Association. This award is merited by Cadet Sergeant Joaquin Enamorado.
The Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Medal is presented to the senior MCJROTC cadet who exhibits outstanding leadership both in the MCJROTC Program and other activities. The award will be presented by Commander Larry Jones, United States Coast Guard, retired, representing VFW Post #8973. This award is merited by Cadet Sergeant Major Carson Keller.
The Military Officers' Association of America JROTC Medal is presented to the MCJROTC cadet who has exhibited superior leadership, dedication, and character. This award is merited by Cadet Major James Lawrence.