Faculty Engage the Teachings of St. Ignatius at Annual Retreat

The work of providing a Jesuit education is first and foremost a ministry to students and their families. The Jesuit faculty had an opportunity focus more deeply on this ministry as educators in the footsteps of St. Ignatius Loyola at the annual faculty retreat, an event which took place at the Solomon Episcopal Retreat Center on January 20-21.

The presenter for the retreat was Fr. Barton Geger, S.J., who spoke on the theme, “St. Ignatius Still Speaks to Us Today.” Fr. Geger is Assistant Professor of the Practice at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. He is also a research scholar at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies and is general editor of the quarterly monograph series Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits. His research specializes in uncovering and translating pivotal texts that have shaped the Society of Jesus.
Some of the material for his talks to the faculty borrowed from his publication “Ten Things Ignatius Never Said or Did,” a collection of articles that clarify the origins of teachings ascribed to St. Ignatius. He led the group in reflections on topics such as cura personalis, magis, discernment of spirits, and duty, borrowing extensively from meditations in the Spiritual Exerscises of St. Ignatius.
Faculty members attend an annual retreat to pray and reflect on elements of Jesuit spirituality. Every other year, the retreat is a silent retreat for two days at Manresa, the Jesuit retreat house in Convent, LA.