On Four Year Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J., Congregation Reflects on Hope

Over 100 guests attended the Mass and Evening of Reflection at the Chapel of the North American Martyrs on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020, and were greeted with hope and enthusiasm.
Fr. Steven Kramer, S.J. led the reflection portion of the night and spoke about how all religions share a central idea: living is suffering. Where religions differ, however, is their philosophy on dealing with that reality, and Fr. Kramer weaved life lessons and anecdotes perfectly to show that suffering can be overcome through love and the Lord.
Fr. Kramer studied philosophy at St. Louis University and theology at Boston College. He worked at Jesuit during his regency period and is now back teaching theology and assisting the wrestling program at Carrollton and Banks.
In case you missed the Mass or the reflection, you can view it below.