Throw me Somethin’ Mister!
By Austin Hebert ’22, Poetry Editor
The Mardi Gras ain’t here this year.
‘e banned parades and liquor too.
In the quarter there ain’t no one,
Can’t even wear my Muses shoe.
Can’t catch that Zulu coconut
Nor hear that funky brass band tune.
Can’t find no beads up in the trees
Nor see no floats run down the street.
But look to ya left! What is that?
And to the right they got ‘em too!
Is that a float or that a house?
Don’t matter cuz it’s really cool.
Mardi Gras ain’t lookin’ so fat
A house float! I’ll have some of dat!
That purple, green, and gold I know
I know it’s here it stay fo sho!