New Orleans Hispanic Heritage Foundation Honors 12 Blue Jays

Posted June 25, 2021 / Last updated July 2, 2021

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Twelve Jesuit students were recently recognized by the New Orleans Hispanic Heritage Foundation for excellence in academics. The announcement was highlighted my a number of local outlets including Fox 8 News. These students were awarded one-year scholarships by the NOHHF on the basis of academic accomplishment:

James Alvarez
Connor Cambell
Cristoffer Garcia
Leonardo Garcia
Joshua Guzman
Eduardo Lagos

Jesse Martinez
Alexander Moya
Kaden Oquelí-White
Aidan Schwarz
DonDiego Torres
Marcelo Torres

Noting the particular challenges of this past school year, the foundation wrote, “While this past school year has been an extraordinarily difficult period for high school students, these exceptional Hispanic students have met the challenge with hard work and determination. They have used new learning techniques to overcome the unexpected with remarkable results.”

“The Foundation applauds their achievements and look forward with great expectation to their future accomplishments.”

The New Orleans Hispanic Heritage Foundation is a non-profit community organization whose main purpose is to cultivate and promote the Hispanic heritage within the New Orleans community and the greater region. The NOHHF supports activities that provide an opportunity to experience Hispanic culture through art, education, food, and music with the aspiration of creating a stronger more diverse and culturally rich community.