Pre-Lenten Evening of Reflection to Feature Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J., on Feb. 9

The Society of Jesus celebrates the Ignatian Year commemorating the conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. The motto of the Ignatian Year is “To see all things new in Christ.” The commemorative year is meant to be a time of discernment and conversion for all interested in deepening their relationship with God. In the spirit of this motto, Jesuit High School is offering an Evening of Reflection series this school year. You are invited to attend. Mass will begin at 7:00 p.m. with confessions available 30 minutes before. The reflection will immediately follow the Mass. The evening will conclude with a small reception in the cafeteria.

Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J., will lead the reflection. Fr. Beaumier holds a Ph.D. in United States religious history from Boston College. As Vice President and Secretary, Fr. Beaumier serves as a liaison to the Board of Trustees Committee on Nominations and Governance; hosts and coordinates visits of international academic, religious, and political leaders; maintains official University records, and engages in pastoral outreach to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. He teaches undergraduate seniors in the Capstone program and graduate students in the Institute’s Certificate in Jesuit Studies program. He is also a chaplain for freshmen in Fenwick Hall, where he serves as mentor and spiritual director for students, seminarians, women religious, and priests.