Blue Jay Band Performs in Mid-City and Bacchus on the Way to Disney

After leading off the Krewe of Carrollton on the “first weekend” of Mardi Gras, the Blue Jay Marching Band and Jayettes led by director Joe Caluda ’79 marched in the Krewe of Bacchus on the Sunday before Fat Tuesday. On Sunday morning, the Jazz Band directed by Jason Giaccone also rode in the Krewe of Mid-City.

The band’s musical performances in both Carrollton and Bacchus were augmented visually by wirelessly-controlled LED lighting under the lead of Terry Meilleur, parent of alumnus band alumnus Cael Meilleur ’19.
With no time to rest before loading onto charter busses bound for Florida, the band and Jayettes were joined by the cheerleaders on Sunday evening as the combined group travelled to Walt Disney World to represent Jesuit in the Magic Kingdom on Mardi Gras Day. In the scant few hours between the conclusion of Bacchus and the band’s departure for Disney World, percussion tech Woody Dantagnan and volunteers equipped the drum line with custom-designed drum heads that celebrate the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World.