Theology Teacher Dr. Joshua Brumfield Earns Essay Publication

Dr. Joshua Brumfield has been busy this summer. In addition to preparing for the 2022-2023 school year, he wrote a timely essay that was published in Roots: Catholic Youth Evangelization in a Post-Pandemic World titled “The Catholic Institute in Secular University: Pope Francis’ Call for the Mission of the Church in High Ed.”
“I wrote the essay in light of the increasing number of youth and young adults who are disaffiliating from the Church and in repsonse to Pope Francis’ call for creative missionary approaches in Catholic institutions,” Brumfield said. “It is a great honor for my chapter to be included next to the work of some great and faithful scholars and teachers.”
Brumfield is excited to continue his Jesuit journey by teaching Ecclesiology to sophomores and Catholic Social Teaching to seniors during the upcoming academic year.