Announcements for Friday, August 19, 2022

Posted August 18, 2022 / Last updated August 18, 2022

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Today is Friday, August 19, 2022

Regular Order, Day 3

  • The Big Brother/Little Brother jambalaya luncheon will be held today during lunch in the courtyard.
  • The Jesuit Medical Society will meet today during the second half of lunch in Room 317. Officers will be elected. Please check Canvas email to download a form if you are interested in running for office. See Mrs. Tassin if you have questions.
  • 8th grade night at John Ryan Stadium tonight from 7-10pm.
  • Paintball club will meet on Monday during the first half of lunch in Room 110 to plan its first outing. No experience or equipment is required.  See Master Gunnery Sergeant Piseno with any questions.
  • National Honor Society will hold an organizational meeting for all returning members Monday during the second half of lunch in Room 112. If you cannot attend, please speak with Mr. Linn or Mr. Fitzpatrick.