100th Anniversary of Jesuit-Holy Cross Rivalry on Fri. Oct 28

On Friday, October 28 with kickoff set for 7:30 p.m., Jesuit and Holy Cross will mark the 100th anniversary of the two schools’ longstanding football rivalry. Begun in 1922, the matchup between the Blue Jays and the Tigers has continued in an unbroken chain for a century with the so-called “100th meeting” taking place a few years ago. The game is set to take place just 2 days following the exact anniversary of the originally game, which took place on October 26, 1922. This year’s festivities are sponsored by b1Bank.
This year, the tailgate will take place on the track field just to the north of Tad Gormley Stadium providing significantly more space to tailgaters and fans for pregame festivities. With thousands each year in attendance of the game and the tailgate, fans should observe the following policies.
The team behind Crescent City Sports is producing a live broadcast of this evening’s Jesuit-Holy Cross game for the 11th consecutive year. Tonight’s game is streaming live at CrescentCitySports.com. In addition to the live broadcast, YurView will also re-air the game at 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 1, on Cox Communications channel 4, and an archived version of the stream will also be available on the CCS website
- Fans are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to purchase tickets ahead of time at Jesuit. Doing so prevents fans from waiting in line at City Park, and all revenue from pre-sales stay with Jesuit. Pre-sale tickets are on sale from 7:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the front desk for $8 for adults and $3 for children 6–11. Tickets will be available at the game for $10, cash or check.
- All fans and tailgaters are encouraged to set up in the designated areas below to participate in the festivities. The tailgate officially begins at 4 p.m., but fans are free to set up their tent and area before this time.
- In addition to food provided by families, alumni, and friends in their own tents, Jesuit will provide hamburgers and hotdogs at the official welcome tent. A food truck from Pigeon Catering will be on site serving gourmet nachos.
- Music and entertainment will be provided from the indicated stage, and both the Jesuit and Holy Cross Bands will be parading on the red line indicated on the map.
- Parking is available on Roosevelt Mall (see the map below). Parking is prohibited on the Marconi Drive neutral ground and in some areas along the drive. The City Park lot on Marconi will open at 4 p.m.
- In keeping with all football games this season, no paid parking is available inside of Tad Gormley Stadium.
- Parking violators will be ticketed and possibly towed.
- Additional off-site parking will be available at Delgado Community College at 4:30 p.m.
- All bags will be individually checked. Attendees are encouraged to use clear bags to expedite their entry to the stadium.
- All fans will be individually “wanded” upon entry to the stadium.