Bowling Scores Major 20-7 Victory Over Crusaders

After facing down bowlers from Brother Martin, members of Jesuit’s bowling team picked up a major victory on Monday night with a definitive 20-7 final score. Heading into Monday’s matchup, the Crusaders had only given up one regular season match in over seven years.
The Jays were led by seniors William Adams, who turned in a 648 series, William Carpenter, who turned in a 634 series, and Ethan Benoit, who turned in a 609 series. Senior Preston Roark rolled a competitive 556 series and sophomores Jonathan Cho and Joseph Anderson turned in series of 588 and 534, respectively. The team is coached by Todd Bourgeois ’88.
Read more from local news outlets:
Crescent City Sports: Jesuit Snaps Brother Martin Winning Streak