Jesuit Celebrates 250 New Graduates at 2023 Commencement Exercises

On May 24, 2023, at the Pontchartrain Center, the Class of 2023 officially joined the ranks of Blue Jay alumni. Graduating seniors celebrated their achievements in the presence of faculty, staff, family, and friends.
The class was awarded 250 diplomas by Fr. John Brown, S.J., Jesuit’s president. This year’s valedictorian, Christian Courtade, said it well when he stated during his address, “Tonight, as we sit onstage, dressed in our tuxedos, with our backs straight, eyes forward, and hands on our knees, solemn and reflective, let us remember that our Jesuit education has done its best to form us into men of fortitude and men of charity.”
“Therefore,” he continued, “as we commence into a world that often opposes strong will and sacrificial love, a world in which we will undoubtedly encounter many challenges, remember—we are ready. My fellow graduates, my friends and brothers, with the education of Jesuit High School as our foundation, we, the Class of 2023, are ready to live in the modern world as courageous, loving men: men who will lead by example, men who will strive for excellence in the face of adversity, men who will bring hope into the lives of our neighbors, and men who will give back to society for the greater glory of God.”

The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award
The Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award for excellence in scholarship was awarded to the seniors who graduated with the highest grade point average for four years at Jesuit High School. This year the award was merited by four seniors—Christian R. Courtade (valedictorian), Daniel J. Lee, Wade S. Rogers, and Preston J. Rumney.

Commencement Award Winners

Dalton P. Haydel
Haydel received the Reverend Father President’s Spiritual Leadership Award, which is presented to the senior who has exerted the greatest spiritual influence on others by living a life exemplifying his Catholic faith.

Edward L. Boudreaux IV
Boudreaux was the recipient of the Very Reverend Father Pedro Arrupe Award, which recognizes the senior who has exemplified the spirit of being a man for others by his participation and excellence in service.

Roland S. Waguespack IV
Waguespack received The Julia Ferguson McEnerny Memorial Trophy, honors the senior who has a good scholastic record, actively participated in co-curricular activities, and possesses those qualities which symbolize “the most representative student of Jesuit High School.”
Commencement in Pictures
Conferral of Diplomas
Blue Jay Parents’ Club Award Recipients who received the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of summa cum laude were Christian R. Courtade, Daniel J. Lee, Wade S. Rogers, and Preston J. Rumney.

Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of summa cum laude were Ethan P. Benoit, Thomas J. Berthelot, Jackson T. Brandt, Jacques N. Broussard, Daniel K. Burke, George C. Cazabon, Aleksander M. Cognevich, Aidan L. Couvillon, Russell J. Cresson, Maxwell T. Daly, Andrew P. Davis, Thomas L. Doan, Patrick J. Dowd, Reid E. Ellzey, Luis M. Espinoza, Dylan A. Falcon, Michael I. Ferguson, Scot N. Fisher, Nicolas O. Foley, Hayden A. Frey, Leonardo Y. Garcia, David C. L. Gibbons III, Luke E. Gilmore, Brock M. Guillot, Chase V. Haydel, Dalton P. Haydel, Luke M. Hebert, Kyle D. Jackson, Grayson P. Joint, Ethan W. Lago, Cullen M. Landry, Michael J. Landry, William M. Lavie, Mason M. Lee, Daniel J. Lee, Jack L. Lo, Killian J. Lyon, John T. Mann, Riley J. Morse, Jake B. Morvant, Matthew P. Nguyen, James M. Nolan, Anders G. Olson, Christian M. Pausina, David H. Pavlovich, Maxwell C. Prechter, Harris R. Reinhardt, Leon J. Reymond IV, Conner J. Richardson, Ethan M. Roberts, Wade S. Rogers, Preston J. Rumney, Ethan M. Schenck, Gabriel E. R. Schwarz, William M. Sheridan, Chase M. Smith, William L. Soter, Asher A. Terrell, Benjamin T. Tran, Derek Tsang, James B. Waguespack, Roland S. Waguespack IV, Michael P. Welsh, and Aeric D. Wender.
Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of magna cum laude were Jack A. Ainsworth, William T. Balart, Ethan P. Bauer, Robert A. Buisson, Dylan T. Dang, Hudson M. Dehon, Noah J. Ducarpe, Carter R. Dusang, Evan M. Frischhertz, Nicholas M. Frischhertz, Henry J. Guste, Grant M. Herbert, Scout T. Hughes, Nischal S. Kasula, Miles P. Kavanaugh, Masen T. Mannina, Kennedy Nguyen, Colin H. Oster, Patrick T. Rowell, Corey E. Sakryd, Stefan E. Schexnayder, Jack T. Seidell, Matthew A. Tortorich, Duy T. Trinh, Alexander H. Weeks, and Maxwell D. Weiss.
Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma with the special commendation of cum laude were John H. Anseman, Tyler J. Autin, Gates P. Barré, Cade M. Bourdonnay, Truman A. Breithaupt VII, Emile G. Bruneau, Daniel A. Buenano, John P. Ciaccio, Carson L. Cockrell, Jack A. DesRoches, Darlington E. Fee IV, Christopher D. Gieseler, William L. Hand, Griffin M. Landry, Matthew J. LeBlanc, Luke E. Miller, Joao V. N. Pereira-Leite, and John M. Thomas.
Receiving the Accelerated Program Diploma were Jonathan T. Rouse and Bjorn S. Seales.
Completing the College Preparatory Course with the special commendation of summa cum laude were Joshua K. Bastidas, Blake J. Burmaster, Nolan F. Clark, Christopher W. Hansen, Luke J. Hopkins, Nicolas D. Kapusta, Owen M. Liantonio, Grant B. Morris, Jake H. Nguyen, Garrett P. Orgeron, Jr., Jake W. Palo, Karson A. Rhodes, Patrick G. Roddy, and Brendan M. Truxillo.
Completing the College Preparatory Course with the special commendation of magna cum laude were Anthony F. Acosta, Matthew G. Baffes, Connor G. Boudreaux, Lee E. Bridgewater, Jacob H. Cabos, Joseph A. Capo, William L. Carpenter IV, Aidan P. Corbello, Matthew C. Cuevas, Remy L. Exnicios, Aloka R. Fernando, Joshua A. Fuentes, Harrison W. Golemi, William R. Good, John T. Graham, Anthony J. G. Guernsey, Joseph A. Haase, Michael A. Harmon, Grant E. Hebert, Braden R. Helm, Samuel J. Hunter, Chance J. Latham, Jackson D. Merrill, Andrew K. Newell, Evan T.-B. Nguyen, Tyler H. Nguyen, Benjamin E. Pennebaker, Joshua J. Pettus, Grant J. Piacun, Vincent T.-A. Smith, Jackson A. Stopa, Colin J. Torrance, Peyton W. Warden, Kyiori S.-L. Washington, Jude A. White, Conner G. Winston, William F.-L. Wolfram, and Philip L. Zazulak.
Completing the College Preparatory Course with the special commendation of cum laude were John R. Barteet, Cale C. Blake, Hayden N. Caron, Camren J. Claus, Christopher M. Cutitto, Reese W. Devine, Bennett E. Ducasse, Jaron J. Duplessis, Jacob R. Foster, Matthew R. Guilbault, Kolbe P. Hanemann, Otto E. Hirstius, Mario A. Interiano, Jr., Alexander W. Kloor, Aidan P. Knauf, Clifton D. LeBlanc, Jr., Matthew K. Lemoine, Vanik Makaryan, John H. McDaniel, Jacob H. Midkiff, Benjamin D. Musgrave, Hunter C. Oufnac, William J. Perkins, Timothy J. Peterman, Ronnie A. Reeb III, Jack P. Roniger, Ethan P. Schlosser, Austin T. Stuke, Gabe A. Walser, and Myles A. Zito.
Completing the College Preparatory Course were Charles W. Adams IV, André C. Amedee, Quintin P. Amedee, Trent R. Anderson, Nathan A. Baldi, August J. Berner IV, Ron Z. Blanchard, Jr., Edward L. Boudreaux IV, Rowan A. Bourdais, John-Michael Bourgeois, Ben C. Brannon, Connor J. Cappo, Matthew R. Cashio, Ryan P. Cassioppi, Joseph R. Charif, Reese S. Cobb, John R. Cook V, Koi M. Cooks, Jayon J. D’Avanzo, Donnald C. Davis III, Colin M. Decker, Cornelius D. Evans, Jr., Brennan M. Gauthreaux, William N. Hudlow, Nicholas J. Jacobs, Alexander J. Jeansonne, Mason A. Jubenville, Tre’Shawn J. King, Zachary E. Knoll, Austin M. Krajcer, Luke R. Kropog, Avery M. LaGraize, Ryan P. LaNasa, Laurence E. Larmann II, Jace J. Larsen, Dominic M. LoGiudice, David N. Mejia, Maurizio Muzzetto, Andrew L. Nata, Alexander M. Patron, Bryce A. Pitts, Elijah K. Prosper, Vincent E. Provenzano III, Christopher S. Puckett, Jr., Preston M. Roark, John M. Roche, Casey M. Rodriguez, Antoine B. Saleun, Carter W. Smith, Jason M. Thompson II, Jacob P. Tobler, Joseph R. Trask, David A. Vasquez, Joshua J. Walker, Joshua P. Washington, Kole J. White, and Nicholas M. Woodson.