Jesuit Holds Inaugural Father-Son Retreat for Seniors

On Monday, September 25, Jesuit held its first annual Father-Son retreat for seniors and their fathers at the Solomon Episcopal Center. Father-son pairs spent an enriching evening participating in thoughtful discussions, engaging activities, and reflective prayers. This event provided Blue Jays and their fathers an opportunity to strengthen their bond, pray together, and reflect on the virtues of manhood and fatherhood, and the ways in which Christian virtue enhances these relationships.
Attendees savored a variety of delicious food and participated in lively games, fostering a friendly atmosphere of competition between the sons and their fathers. The scenery of the retreat center further enhanced their experience, providing an idyllic backdrop for their conversations and walks.
As they navigated through nature, they discussed their learnings and reflections from the retreat. The retreat concluded with a thoughtful reflection on the universal fatherhood of God, leading into a Mass where families united in prayer before returning to their homes and school.