Student Council Executive Board Members Sworn In at Morning Assembly

Posted August 26, 2024 / Last updated August 28, 2024

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Active for a few weeks planning for the school year, the Student Council Executive Board was officially sworn in at Friday’s morning assembly. Fr. John Brown, S.J., administered the traditional oath to student body president Wilson Frischhertz, who then swore in the remaining members of the board: senior Wyatt Mire, vice president; junior Spencer Waguespack, treasurer; senior Will Allen, secretary; senior Kasey Cognivich, senior class president; junior Drew Causey, junior class president; and executive aides, seniors Ethan Lapeze, Harris Treuting, and Aidan Wang.

The Student Council is composed of representatives from all grade levels and moderated by Justin Genovese ’04 and James Linn ’06. Its purposes are:

  • To serve as a unifying agency in support of all school activities
  • To foster in the students the ideals of Jesuit High School and to inspire the highest type of school spirit
  • To provide a means of creating better fellowship and understanding between faculty and students and among the students themselves
  • To provide a greater opportunity for self-government and experience in democratic practices by affording a realistic representation of the views of the student body
  • To develop in its members the ideals and practice of Christian leadership

This week, the Student Council will host a variety of events and competitions during an Olympic-themed Welcome Week.