Announcements for Thursday, December 5, 2024
Today is Thursday, December 5, 2024
Regular Order, Day 6
- Monday we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Students are to come to school wearing a dress coat, dress shirt, tie, slacks, belt, dress shoes, and socks. You may wear a suit if you wish. You must wear your coat and tie for homeroom and Mass. During class you may take off your coat, but you must wear your tie properly and have your shirt tucked in all day. We will meet in homeroom on Monday.
- The Philelectic Society is thrilled to announce auditions for our Spring Play: Newsies! Join us this Friday at 3:30 PM in the JHS Auditorium. Want to learn more? There will be an interest meeting today after school in Room 201.
- Juniors interested in learning more about Jesuit’s first Mission Trip to Belize should attend an informational meeting today during the first half of lunch in St. Ignatius Hall.
- Jesuit’s SABR Club (Society of American Baseball Research) will meet today during the first half of lunch in Room 331.
- Student Council Class Level Officers are encouraged to attend a Class Level Training Seminar sponsored by Aidan Wang today during the first half of lunch in Room 231.
- All intramural soccer captains will meet today during the second half of the lunch in CL3. One member from each team must be present to be put on the schedule.
- The Pro-Life club will meet today during the second half of lunch in Room 316.
- All members of Mu Alpha Theta and Chi Alpha Mu attending the Brother Martin Tournament on Saturday will meet today in Room 231 during the second half of lunch. If you cannot attend for any reason, please speak with Mrs. Brauner or Mrs. Merritt.
- Will the Saints or Pelicans win a game before Christmas? Discuss this and more during today’s Sports Analysis Club meeting during the second half of lunch in Room 231.
- The Movie Critics Club will meet after school today in Room 221 to watch Detour, a noir thriller about hitchhiking and mistaken identity.
- The 9th grade basketball team will host Shaw tonight in the Benson Arena starting at 6:00. The jv game follows at 7:00.
- November printing fees have been sent to students’ Outlook accounts (not Canvas messaging). To avoid losing computer services and receiving a PH, students may pay their fees in Room 215 either before school, at the ten-minute break, or during the lunch hour before the end of the lunch period on Friday, Dec. 6.