Announcements for Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Today is Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Regular Order, Day 1
- All members of the junior class in Programs I and IV must attend a meeting today in order to receive materials and information necessary for the scheduling of senior courses for next year. The meeting will be held during the first half of the lunch period for Program I and during the second half of lunch for Program IV in St. Ignatius Hall. If you are unsure of the curriculum program that you are following, please ask your homeroom teacher. Please do not fail to attend your particular meeting – it is important.
- Any student interested in trying out for the varsity baseball team should meet today during the first half of lunch in the baseball locker room.
- All 8th and 9th grade students interested in participating in the Catholic High Math Tournament on Saturday, Jan. 25 will meet today through Thursday during the first half of lunch in Room 330.
- Acoustic Guitar Club will meet today and tomorrow during the second half of lunch in Room 330.
- The Spanish club will meet today during second half of lunch.
- The Blue Jay newspaper staff will meet today during the second half of lunch in the Student Life Conference Room.
- The varsity basketball team will host Thibodaux tonight in the Benson Arena with tip off set for 7:00. The jv game begins at 5:45.
- All juniors will meet today and tomorrow during the first or second half of lunch with their respective college counselors in either Room 120, 121, or 122. This is not to be confused with the mandatory scheduling meeting taking place in St. Ignatius Hall. Please show up immediately at the first or second bell. See posted signs or refer to your Canvas Messages.
- There will be a bus available for track practice today and tomorrow after school. There will be a meeting for all students interested in track and field tomorrow during the first half of lunch in Room 112.
- Printing fees for December have been sent to students’ Outlook account. Also, students will find a printing fee notification in red on students’ portal page. Please pay your bill in Room 215 either before school, during 10-minute break, or at the lunch hour by Friday, Jan. 10.