Announcements for Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Posted March 18, 2025 / Last updated March 18, 2025

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Today is Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Third Quarter Exam Schedule

  • Today’s exams are Theology and Science. Tomorrow’s exams are English, Biology 2, Chemistry 2, Computer Studies, and Speech.
  • Students should not be in the hallways during the exam period or between exam periods.  Once you complete your exam you should exit the hallways quietly.  You may remain in the Commons, Resource Center, or the yard during this time.
  • Upon arrival at campus, students are required to place their cellphones in the off mode in their lockers.  No phones may be used anywhere on campus until both exam periods are over.  Students may not leave campus until they have completed exams for the day.  PH will be held in Room 231 on Thursday; it will begin at 9am and will continue as long as is necessary for justice to be served.
  • The varsity baseball team will host Covenant Christian tonight at John Ryan Stadium with first pitch set for 6:00.
  • Second-notice February printing fees have been sent to students’ Outlook account and student portal. Failure to pay this fee by Tuesday, March 25 will result in a loss of computer services and a PH. Please pay this fee in Room 215.
  • Pre-freshmen and Freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9 this Friday, March 21. Pre-freshmen will report to school that day no later than 7:45 a.m. They will begin testing at 8:00 a.m. and end between 10:45 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Freshmen will report to school that day no later 12:15 p.m. Freshmen will begin testing at 12:30 and end between 3:15 and 3:45. Room assignments as well as information on what to bring and not bring on PSAT day has been emailed to you and is posted in Announcements on the Guidance Canvas page. Please see Mrs. Strain or your grade level counselor if you have any questions.
  • Next week, all homerooms are encouraged to collect money for this year’s Mission Drive which will benefit St. Peter Claver Parish in Punta Gorda, Belize. Each homeroom that reaches $200 will get to wear fresh kicks on the Friday March 28. An additional Fresh Kicks Friday holiday will be given to homerooms on Friday, April 4, who collect over $350.


  • Congratulations to the Jesuit Golf Team on their 158-162 victory over the Brother Martin Crusaders.  The team was led by Freshmen Brooks Blanchard who shot a clutch one over par 37.