Announcements for Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Today is Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Assembly Order #1, Day 3
- Homerooms are encouraged to collect money for this year’s Mission Drive which will benefit the Jesuit parish in Punta Gorda, Belize. Each homeroom that reaches $200 will get to wear fresh kicks this Friday. Teachers can submit collected money to the box in the teacher’s lounge. Money should be turned in by Thursday in order to receive the Fresh Kicks holiday. An additional Fresh Kicks Friday holiday will be given to homerooms next Friday who collect over $350.
- A Faculty Auction benefitting the Mission Drive will open tomorrow. Faculty and Staff have sponsored a variety of meals, experiences, and swag for students to bid on. Visit the table in the cafeteria during lunch through April 2 to place your bid. Keep in mind that bidding is competitive, so check back to make sure you’re the lead for any items you hope to win.
- The chess team is excited to host its annual chess tournament starting next week. The entry fee is just $5, with proceeds supporting the Mission Drive. To register, use the link provided and submit your monetary donation to Mr. Campos during the first half of lunch in the commons or after school in Room 309/311. Registration is open until Friday and tournament play will begin next Monday. The champion will take home a one-of-a-kind JHS Chess Piece trophy!
- The Music Critics club will meet today during the first half of lunch in Room 117.
- Spanish Club will meet today during second half of lunch in Room 409.
- The Blue Jay newspaper staff will meet today during the second half of lunch in the Student Life Conference Room.
- All football, cross country, and swimming lettermen should pick up their stripes, patches, and lettermen jackets on the 1st floor of the Madonna Della Strada Building by the door leading out to the parking lot on Wednesday during lunch.
- Beach Volleyball will have practice today at 4:30 and games tomorrow at 4:00 at White Sands in Elmwood. Any students interested in playing beach volleyball should see Mrs. Catalano in Room 323.
- Students interested in serving breakfast to the homeless at Grace at the Greenlight this Thursday morning should see Mr. Delatte in Room 127 as soon as possible.
- The golf team will face Belle Chasse this afternoon at English Turn starting at 4:00.
- The varsity baseball team plays at Holy Cross tonight with first pitch set for 6:30.
- The 9th grade baseball team will host Holy Cross this afternoon at John Ryan Stadium starting at 4:00.
- The jv track and field team will compete in a district meet this afternoon at Joe Yenni starting at 4:00.
- Admissions representatives from High Point University and Denison University will be available during lunch today in the College Counseling Suite.
- Printing fees are due today.