Sansepolcro Flag Throwers…
Wild Photo Archives Posted March 25th, 2019 Last updated March 25th, 2019
The Sansepolcro Flag Throwers put on a show for Blue Jays in Traditions Courtyard throughout the lunch period. This event would not have been possible without the work of Frank Maselli ’68, the Chairman of the Board for the American Italian Cultural Center. Blue Jays were reminded of the event during assembly on Monday morning, and many were curious about the history of flag-throwing. “In 1953,” as the flyers around school noted, “the Società dei Balestrieri rediscovered the art of flag throwing. In the following decades, the group has traveled internationally sharing their culture and fostering friendships. Inspiration for the performance comes from the geometric patterns of Sansepolcro’s most illustrious citizen, Piero della Francesca, the great Renaissance master of perspective.” The flag throwers have also sponsored many cultural initiatives including an exhibition with artist Franco Alessandrini. The flag throwers also starred in the film Under the Tuscan Sun. Jesuit was thrilled to have them visit Louisiana for a 35th year!