Debaters Earn TOC Bids in Newman Tournament

Posted December 15, 2013 / Last updated January 8, 2014

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Debaters (front row, from left) sophomore Mayank Mardia, senior Jim Huang, pre-freshman Robert Cerise, (back row, left) sophomore Andrew Cerise, junior Mako Giordano, freshman Nikhl Gogineni, and sophomore Ben Gillen.

Debaters (front row, from left) sophomore Mayank Mardia, senior Jim Huang, pre-freshman Robert Cerise, (back row, left) sophomore Andrew Cerise, junior Mako Giordano, freshman Nikhl Gogineni, and sophomore Ben Gillen.

The Debate Team completed a great weekend at the Newman Invitational Debate Tournament. In Public Forum debate, the team of junior Rishab Chimmanamada and sophomore Mayank Mardia won 1st place, earning the first Tournament of Champions (TOC) bid of their careers. In LD, senior Jim Huang finished in 5th place after conceding in quarterfinals so a friend could earn a TOC bid.

Debate team coach Ian Gunn ’07 thanks alumni Brent Toca ’04 and Ian Jorgensen ’08 and to mother of an alumnus, Sarah Simoneaux, who helped fill Jesuit’s judging obligation in the tournament.