Announcements for Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Today is Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Day 4
- Phriday Night LIVE! is back with a brand new episode this Friday night at 7:30pm in the Jesuit auditorium. Come enjoy live sketch comedy, improv, and music. Tickets are $5.00 for students and $10.00 for adults and are available on the website or in the Phils office, Room 201. Come support your friends and the Philelectic Society.
- Students of any grade who are interested in learning more about joining Sodality should attend an informational meeting today during the second half of either lunch in the second floor chapel.
- Juniors and Sophomores interested in joining Student Ministry for the next academic year should pick up an application outside of the Campus Ministry office, Room 225. Applications are due this Friday.
- The Rubik’s cube club will meet today during the first half of both lunches in Room 223. Please bring your cubes and any algorithms you would like to share.
- Jesuit Medical Society invites you to hear our guest speaker, neurosurgeon and Jesuit Alum Dr. Najeeb Thomas, tomorrow at 3:25 in Room 317. All are welcome.
- Fall Sports’ Recognition Night honoring varsity lettermen in cross country, football, and swimming will be held in the Benson Arena on Thursday evening starting at 6:00. Report time for lettermen is 5:40. Attire is coat and tie.
- Winter Sports’ Recognition Night honoring varsity lettermen in basketball, cheerleading, soccer, and wrestling will be held on Thursday night in the Benson Arena starting at 7:15. Report time for lettermen is 6:55. Attire is coat and tie.
- Juniors who registered to serve as Eucharistic Ministers for next year, should report to the Chapel of the North American martyrs at the start of each lunch period on Thursday. See Mr. Flores or Fr. Dyer if you cannot attend.
- In homeroom, students received printing fee notices for the month of April. Please pay these debts in Room 213 by Monday, May 10. Payments may be made before school, during break, and during the lunch hour.
- An admission representative from Georgetown will be virtually visiting campus tomorrow immediately after school in Room 122. If you have not signed up, please do so on Canvas under the College Counseling calendar.