Test Funds

AMBAmbrose Patrick Gootee Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
BENGayle & Tom Benson Charitable Foundation Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
BOHRobert H. Boh ’47 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
BOUJason ’04 & Warren ’74 Bourgeois Families Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
DISMalcolm S. Disimone Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
FOLIvan M. Foley, Sr. ’33 Family & Fr. Albert S. Foley, S.J. ’29 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
MCGRev. Anthony F. McGinn, S.J. Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
MCGMichael H. McGarry ’76 & William A. McGarry, Jr. ’72 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
MCGOVCary Mc Govern ’62 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
MURLynn & Robert D. Murphy, Jr. ’69 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
MUR FEFRobert & Lynn Murphy FoundationFull Education FundFull
PONWally Pontiff, Jr. ’99 & Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
RAYStanley W. Ray, Jr. Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
RAYJames P. Raymond, Jr. Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
RYANJanet and John Ryan ’70 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
SCHJane & John G. “Chick” Schoen, Jr. ’63 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
TONTonti Family Full Education Fund: Robert & Margaret, Robert ’79, Michael ’81, and John ’84Full Education FundFull
wileyWiley Mossy ’39 Full Education FundFull Education FundFull
1975Class of ’75 Full Education FundFull Education FundPartial
FITRaymond R. Fitzgerald, Sr. & Mary Caire Fitzgerald FundFull Education FundPartial
HEAJude J. Heath ’82 Full Education FundFull Education FundPartial
'38Class of 1938 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'45Class of 1945 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'56Class of 1956 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'59Class of 1959 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'63Class of 1963 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'65Class of 1965 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'66Class of 1966 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'68Class of 1968 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'69Class of 1969 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'70Class of 1970 Gold Star ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'76Class of 1976 (Parents of Fr. Fitzgerald) ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'90Class of 1990 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ACCCapt. Nick J. Accardo, M.D. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ACCRosina Cognato Accardo ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ALMAlmar Foundation ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ALVFaye & Ralph Alvarez ScholarshipScholarshipFull
AlvarezDenise and Ronald Alvarez ’75 Scholarship FundScholarshipFull
ANDRobert B. Anderson, Jr. ’42 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BARBERRev. Thomas E. Barberito, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BARREFrank & Josephine Gallo Barreca ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BARRIEugene H. & Paul M. Barrios ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BELJohn A “Jack” Belsom ’51 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BERRev. Edgar J. Bernard , S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BOLJoseph V. Bologna ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BONHenry F. Bonura, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BORDELinda & Frank Bordelon ’59 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BORREBruce J. Borrello ’50 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BOURev. Claude P. Boudreaux, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BOWShawn Bowles ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BRAJames & Kay Brandau ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BUTClendon J. Butera ScholarshipScholarshipFull
BUTJames L. and Carolyn B. Butler ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CANAndrew P. Caneza ’43 Operation Upgrade ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CAPAguste Capdeville Foundation ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CARNicholas E. Caruso ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CASGeorge J. Cassard III ’56 Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CHIMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Childress, Sr. ’35 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CHRSalvadore J. Christiana ’52 Scholarship #1ScholarshipFull
COCWallie & Jules L. Coco ’69 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
COLPhilip R. & Mary C. Collins Full Education FundScholarshipFull
COLBob and Loretta Coleman Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CONLinda Vath & Michael E. Coney ’63 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CONRobert J. Conrad, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
CURSissy & René A. Curry, Jr. ’56 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DALThomas D. Daley ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DAR25Dr. & Mrs. William J. Dardis ’25 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DAR58Br. William J. Dardis, S.J. ’58 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DELABGaston Antoine De La Bretonne, Jr. M.D. ’51 and his Mother Esther J. Marquer Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
detwWilliam M. Detweiler, Jr. Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DISEmma Jaquet Disimone ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DUPF. Robert Duplantier - Boys Hope ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DUPHon. Adrian G. Duplantier ’45 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DUPDuplantier Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
DWYGwendolyn B. & Ralph D. Dwyer, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
EARJ. Michael Early ScholarshipScholarshipFull
EFRElmore Francis Rigamer, Sr. & Rita Mary Dazet ScholarshipScholarshipFull
EVAHugh McCloskey Evans ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FAHFran & John Faherty ’53 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FAUGuy G. Faulstich ’67 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FAUElizabeth Leigh Faust ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FAUFrank L. Faust & Ruth Reuter Faust ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FERRuth U. Fertel ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FITJames E. Fitzmorris, Sr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FITNorris V. Fitzmorris ’50 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FITJames E. Fitzmorris, Jr. ’39 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FITThe Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. Student ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FLOSt. Marc J. Flotte ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FORC.L. Ford ’43 & Don Ford ’47 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FOREdmund Fortier ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FORForshag Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
FRUJohanna & Donald U. Frutiger Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GALMichael J. Galvin Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GAMJane W. and Adam C. Gambel ’34 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GENRobert A. Generes ’41 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GERRev. Jean Marie Germain ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GIBDale and Roy Gibson ’65 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GILGerard J. Gillen ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GLAR. Jerry Glas ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GOOMarjorie & Raymond Goodspeed ’35 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
GREWilliam E Greve ’37 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HADHaddad Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HALStephen S. Hall ’75 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HARHarlan Family Scholarship: Chris ’97, Mark ’99, Scott ’01ScholarshipFull
HATMaurice F. Hatrel, Jr.’43 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HEAHeard Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HEBChristian Blaine Hebert ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HEIBarbara & Charles Heim Endowment FundScholarshipFull
HELPatricia A. Tibbits & Sterling J. Helwick, Jr. ’69 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HIGWilliam B. Higgins, Jr ’29 & Donald V. Higgins ’32 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HILAndrew E. Hillery ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HOGRobert E. Hogan ScholarshipScholarshipFull
HOTLouise McQuirk & Samuel Hottinger Full Education FundScholarshipFull
HURElizabeth G. & Murray G. Hurd ScholarshipScholarshipFull
INGLinda & Luis Ingles Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
JackmanThe Jackman Family Scholarship in Memory of Dorothy and Jack JackmanScholarshipFull
JAUDavid F. Jaubert ’75 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KELAlbert P. Keller Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KERRichard Kernion Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KINNellie Flynn Kingsmill ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KITMr. & Mrs. William B. Kitchen, Sr. Boys Hope ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KITConnie & Thomas Kitchen ’65 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KNOOlivia Schaefer Knop ScholarshipScholarshipFull
KNOLouis F. Knop, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LABAlden J. Laborde ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LANDr. Wallace J. Landry, Jr. & Clare B. Landry ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LARMr. & Mrs. C.W. Lartigue IV ’60 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LENRonald “Snow” Lenfant ’42 & Rodney Lenfant ’80 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LICMr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Licciardi, Sr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LLGLouisiana Liaison Group ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LONNorma & John K. Long ’49 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LONMary Alice Long ScholarshipScholarshipFull
LUKLuke & Josie Lukinovich Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MAILisa & Richard Maia ’72 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MAJGladys & J. Ashton Majeau ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MARRichard H. Marshall ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MARUlisse Marinoni Nolan Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MARMarie C. & Benigno A. Martinez ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MARLogan J. Martin ’84 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MCCMaud Blossman McCarron ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MCCCharles J. & Laurene Wu McClain ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MCECharles “Sonny” McEvoy ’90 Full Education FundScholarshipFull
MCGRev. Anthony McGinn, S.J. ’66 Scholarship (Donated by the Class of 1985)ScholarshipFull
MCGWanda & Michael McGarry ’76 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MCMMr. & Mrs. Joseph R. McMahon, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MCMAHONMr. & Mrs. John M. McMahon ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MCNMary McNeally ScholarshipScholarshipFull
METJoseph A. Metzler ’33 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MILRobert G. Miller, M.D. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MILWinnie Miller ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MINJulio M. Minsal-Ruiz, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MOOPatrick R. Mooney ’68 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MORMichael J. Moran ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MULRev. M. M. Mulvihill, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MURRobert D. Murphy, Sr. ’43 & Robert D. Murphy, Jr. ’69 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
MURMurray Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
NALArdell & George Nalley, Sr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
NICDr. Robert A. Nicaud ’57 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
NICFrederick Harvey Nicaud ScholarshipScholarshipFull
NUNNunez Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
OSEFrank S. Oser, Jr. M.D. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
OUROur Lady of The Immaculate Conception ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PAQMr. & Mrs. John C. Paquette & Son ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PARRev. Daniel W. Partridge, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ParTimothy “Timmy” Parenton ’80 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PERMary & Vincent J. “Joe” Perez III ’49 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PETPettingill Brothers Scholarship: Bernard ’65, Jeffery ’66, William ’68, & Byron ’70ScholarshipFull
PHIRev. A. Patrick Phillips, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PLOFrancis A. Plough ScholarshipScholarshipFull
POOMr. & Mrs. J. Kevin Poorman ’69 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PORJamie Porter Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PORRonald M. Porter, Sr. ’45 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
POSW.D. “Maybelle” Postell ScholarshipScholarshipFull
POSWilliam D. Postell ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PRAWilfred O. Prados, Jr. Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
PREFrancis J. Prevost ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RAIEmile A. Rainold III ’56 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RAYLeola B. Raymond ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RAYGerrard E. Raymond ScholarshipScholarshipFull
REMBr. Joseph Remich, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RETMilton ’Mickey’ Retif Scholarship - (Metro Baseball)ScholarshipFull
REUClarence G. Reuther, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RIORobert W. Riordan, Jr. ’54 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RIZRaymond S. & Louise Rizzo ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RIZGrace Redding & George A. Rizzo, Sr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RIZRizzo Family Foundation ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RODAlphonsus Rodriguez, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RODStephen B. Rodi, Sr. ’32 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RODThe Maidee Daigle Rodriguez ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ROULouie J. Roussel III ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ROUXMary and Gus Roux, Jr. ’49 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ROZChristopher “Brent” Rozas ’90 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RYAMr. & Mrs. Edward N. Ryan ScholarshipScholarshipFull
RYDJames & Enell Ryder ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SCHRev. Nicholas T. Schiro, S.J. ’44 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SCHRev. Paul W. Schott, S.J. ’40 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SCHTheodore & Josephine Schiro ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SCHPhilip J. Schoen III ’36 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SCHBernard I. Schott ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SCHNBetsy & Jim Schnieders ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SEIOwen Seiler Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SKIEdward W. Skinner ScholarshipScholarshipFull
SLAMichael C. Slaughter Scholarship #1ScholarshipFull
SPRBryan D. Spraberry ’83 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
STADaniel J. “Rusty” Staub ’61 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
THOMire J. “M.J.” Thomas ’48 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
TOLOscar J. Tolmas ScholarshipScholarshipFull
TOMAndrew Quirk & Harry Tompson ScholarshipScholarshipFull
TOMHarry M. & Jeanne R. Tompson ScholarshipScholarshipFull
TOREdwin “Eddie” Toribio ScholarshipScholarshipFull
TROCoach Kevin Trower ScholarshipScholarshipFull
VETFrederick W. “Fritz” Veters ScholarshipScholarshipFull
VINRoger G. Vincent ’33 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
VINGilbert J. Vincent ’27 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
VINVincent Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WALHarry Waldo ’45 Family ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WALMichael J. Waldo ’70 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WALDFrancis Xavier Waldo ’54 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WEBA.T. Webber, Jr. & H. W. Christenberry, Jr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WELLeo A. Welcker ’45 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WHEMichael J. Wheat Memorial ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WILLinda Birdsall Wilson ScholarshipScholarshipFull
WINAlbert J. Winters, Sr. ScholarshipScholarshipFull
ZERPaul J. Zerangue, Jr. ’42 ScholarshipScholarshipFull
'58Class of 1958 ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
1989Class of 1989ScholarshipPartial
BECJohn D. Becker ’57 ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
BONThe Bonifacic Family ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
BRAJames W. Brandau ’51 ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
CARBlaise M. Carriere ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
CASMr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Casey ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
COOMichael J. Coogan ’65 Scholarship FundScholarshipPartial
EUNEunice Knop Accardo ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
FITRev. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 (Donated by the Class of 1998)ScholarshipPartial
FortunaFortuna Family ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
GANGanucheau Family ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
GeofGillenGeoffrey Gillen, M.D, ’95 ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
GRAJoseph A. Grace II ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
GUIGuiseppe Accardo ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
HAWRev. Donald A. Hawkins, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
HECRev. Elwood Hecker, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
HEIHeigle Family ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
Helwick SrDorothy and Sterling Helwick, Sr. ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
MASJoseph Maselli III ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
ORYMichael G. Ory ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
RACRev. Herve’ P. Racivitch, S.J. ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
RGanuRichard Ganucheau ’55 ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
RIVRivalry Account ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
SCHMalcolm P. Schwarzenbach ScholarshipScholarshipPartial
SherrySherry Family Scholarship: Mettery ’54, Charles ’80, Dean ’83, and Alexander ’12ScholarshipPartial
TUMMDr. Vincent V. Tumminello, Sr. ’50 Family ScholarshipScholarshipPartial