Spreading Warmth…
Wild Photo Archives Posted February 10th, 2014 Last updated February 10th, 2014
Jesuit’s Columbian Squires Circle, the high school service arm of the Knights of Columbus, completed a coat and blanket collection drive on campus to aid the needy and homeless of our area. The Squires delivered several large barrels full of overcoats, blankets, sweaters and jackets to the Ozanam Inn, the shelter for the homeless located in the Warehouse District. Center from left, pre-freshmen John Nuttli and Robert Haik, and senior Daniel Boudreau, the Circle’s Chief Squire. Also joining the Squires were Mr. Tom Nuttli (left), Mr. Robert Haik Sr. (right), and Mr. Ted Mahne (not pictured), moderator of the Columbian Squires. Jesuit’s Squires are sponsored by the Marquette Council of the Knights of Columbus.