Free as Birds…
Wild Photo Archives Posted March 14th, 2014 Last updated March 16th, 2014
It’s like the next best thing to be. Having dispensed with 3rd quarter exams on Friday, Blue Jays hustle hither and yon across campus, eager to begin a weekend which almost certainly includes catching one or more of the various parades celebrating St. Patrick and St. Joseph. Pre-freshmen Peter Carr (left) and Aidan Roberts are engrossed in conversation while using the third floor walkway overlooking the Traditions Courtyard as a shortcut to the Banks Street side of the school. The Wild Photographer snapped the photo from the school’s roof, an ideal spot to practice becoming acclimated to a 300mm Canon lens, a beautiful tool for capturing images of all sorts of birds, the two-legged species as well as those with feathers and wings.