Announcements for Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Today is Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Regular Order, Day 6
- Mardi Gras beads are currently being collected for recycling by the Joy Center at St. Michael School. Place beads in the boxes outside the library or at the front desk of the Madonna della Strada building.
- The Student Council Executive Board candidacy meeting will take place today during the first half of lunch in St. Ignatius hall. Completed forms are due at this meeting.
- The Music Critics club will meet today during the first half of lunch in Room 117.
- The Green Club will meet today during the second half of lunch in Room 416.
- The Blue Jay newspaper staff will meet today during the second half of lunch in the Student Communications Office.
- Winter Sports Recognition Night will take place tonight in the auditorium starting at 6:30. Report time for all basketball, powerlifting, soccer, and wrestling lettermen is 6:10. Attire is coat, tie, and dress shoes. Tennis shoes do not meet these requirements.
- The jv track and field team will compete in the District 9-5A Open Meet #1 this afternoon at Joe Yenni starting at 4:00.
- The golf team will face Rummel this afternoon at Chateau starting at 4:00.
- The bowling team will face East Ascension this afternoon at Bowlero starting at 3:10.
- The jv baseball team will play at Rummel this afternoon starting at 4:30.
- All intramural basketball team captains must meet tomorrow during the second half of lunch in CL3. If the captain cannot make it, there must be another representative present. Teams not present will not be in the playoff or the March Madness tournament.
- Any students interested in playing beach volleyball at White Sands in Elmwood should see Mrs. Catalano in Room 323 to sign up. First practice will be held on Wednesday, March 12. The deadline to sign up is Thursday, March 20.
- Students interested in participating in the Churchill Society of New Orleans high school essay contest have less than a month to submit an essay. For more information, see Mr. Trosclair in the Social Studies Office, Room 205.
- Big Brothers are needed for Welcome Day. All current sophomores and juniors are encouraged to sign up, check your canvas messages for the Welcome Day link sent from Coach Firmin. This is the first opportunity to get signed up to help us welcome the incoming students on Saturday, March 22. Big Brothers will be given a first edition Jesuit Gizzard shirt and will be fed lunch. See Coach Firmin or Coach Hernandez for more details.
- Seniors: Balfour will be on campus today during lunch in Room 131 to distribute graduation announcements. Seniors, if you ordered graduation announcements you should stop by and pick them up today. If you are unsure if you or your parents ordered announcements, stop by and check.
- ROTC will be selling jambalaya for $5 cash per bowl to support the mission drive tomorrow during lunch in the courtyard.