In Service…

Wild Photo Archives Posted September 24th, 2014 Last updated September 25th, 2014

Dana Kirkpatrick, a representative of the Harry Tompson Center, talks with Blue Jays about homelessness in New Orleans. The Harry Tompson Center is a nonprofit day center started by Rev. Harry Tompson, S.J. that provides showers, laundry services, a telephone room, legal aid, medical care, and prescription assistance to the homeless of downtown New Orleans. Students who volunteer with the center are able to put names and faces to a part of the population that often gets overlooked by society. Blue Jays are challenged to become “men for others” in imitation of Jesus and serve their fellow man by volunteering regularly. Last year, the Class of 2014 volunteered more than 27,000 hours, an average of 105 hours per student, to 50 different programs and agencies.