Blue Jays Celebrate Mother-Son Relationship at Annual Mass

Seniors Henry Creel and Scott Crabtree join their mothers, Liz Creel and Breni Crabtree, after speaking at the Mother-Son Mass. (Click image to view Photo Gallery.)
For one Jesuit mother, the tears started even before her son started talking.
About 450 Blue Jays and their mothers participated in Jesuit’s Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast, which took place on Saturday, February 28.
The morning began with Mass at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church on Baronne Street and concluded with a breakfast at The Roosevelt Hotel. The menu included coffee and juice, assorted breads, berry-infused and granola textured yogurt, scrambled eggs, bacon strips that were thicker than a winter fog around City Park’s lagoons, and asparagus.
The Mother-Son event was moved from Sunday to Saturday in response to the Archdiocesan initiative to move school events away from Sundays.
In his homily, Fr. John Brown, S.J. talked about the special role mothers play in their son’s lives. Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 — Jesuit’s special assistant to the president — and Fr. Donald Saunders, S.J., who serves as school chaplain. Assisting with Communion were Society of Jesuit scholastics Jason Lalonde and Julio Minsal-Ruiz. The Jesuit choir, accompanied by IMJC organist Paul Wattigny and directed by Mrs. Kate Arthurs-Goldberg, provided music for the Eucharistic celebration.
Fr. Fitzgerald introduced the senior speakers, Henry Creel and Scott Crabtree, who ad-libbed his introduction line. “My mom’s crying and I haven’t even started talking yet.” In heartfelt remarks, Scott and Henry talked about the love and dedication of their mothers. Watch their videos below.
In both cases, it’s a shared love. Liz and Terry Creel have four Blue Jays (Cal ’11, Zac ’13, Henry ’15, and Benji ’16). Breni and Skip Crabtree are the proud parents of three Blue Jays (Kyle ’12, Scott ’15, and Todd ’17).
Jesuit offers its thanks to Fr. Frank Reale, S.J., the pastor at IMJC for his warm welcome, and to all those who attended this meaningful event of connection.
Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast, Feb. 28, 2015
Jack '15 and Amy Marzullo, Thomas '15 and Jodie Gallagher, Dylan '15 and Lady Daboval, Braxton '15 and Hampton Callais '18 and Addie Arvidson.
Cole and Shelly Lauman, Matthew and Leslie Cassanova and Garrett and Janet Perez enjoy breakfast at an all-senior table.
Seniors and their moms: Jack and Jodi Fitzpatrick, Peri Riviere and Laurie Garvey, and Alex and Laura Sewell.
Seniors and their moms: Evan and Missy Duhon sit with Bailey and Maureen Weilbaecher.
Kira and Ethan Hess '15 sit with family, Christian '18 and Lorraine Hess. The Blue Jays are cousins.
At this table are Carol and Austin Pfister, Holly and Dominick Conforte, and Freeman and Anne Matthews (standing).
Patti Mahoney and Peyton Markey with Lisette and Brody Martin are together at a senior table.
Mary and Mitchell Melito and Jennifer and Alex Rabalais.
Tricia and Foster Moreau '15 with Michael '15, Ann, and Joshua Genovese '16
Christine Zazulak is flanked by two of her four Blue Jay sons, Robert '15 and Daniel '16.
Seniors and their moms: John Crieco and Sue Palmer, Keith and Karen Gonzales, Joshua and Tracy Duhon.
Pre-freshmen and their moms: Jason and Kery Dominique, Reed and Lori Darcey, Dowen and Tracy Fife, Jack and Lori Brewster, and Ben and Rachel Mollere.
Ingrid Schneider-Cruz, Ian Cruz-Schneider '19, Claudio Aguirre '16 and Claudia Schneider enjoy the Mother-Son Breakfast.
Laurie and Brad Gaudet and Danny and Suzette Farrelly sit at a senior table.
Seniors and their moms celebrate their last Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast togehter: David and Millie Gaines, Evans and Shannon Schmidt, Dillon and Wendy Knight, Coleman and Lisa Maher, James and Stephanie Laborde, and Larkin and Liz Perrier.
Luke '18, Julie and Ben Parks '15, Yvonne and Jonathan Pottharst '15, and Peggy and Josh Talbot '15.
Sam '16, Jeannine, and Noah Martin '17; Nicole and Jacob Buuck '16; and Rob '16 and Danielle Hinyub.
Fr. John Brown, S.J. speaks with a group of seniors after breakfast.
Senior Henry Creel spoke in gratitude for his mother's love and dedication.
Senior Jack Marzullo reads from the book of Deuteronomy.
Senior Francis Weller leads the congregation in the Responsorial Psalm.
Fr. John Brown, S.J. presents a homily that speaks to the love and bond between mother and son.
Senior Matthew Stephens reads the Prayers of the Faithful.
Senior Jeff White and his mother Michelle present the gifts.
Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 — Jesuit’s special assistant to the president — and Fr. Donald Saunders, S.J., who serves as school chaplain.
The Jesuit choir, accompanied by IMJC organist Paul Wattigny and directed by Mrs. Kate Arthurs-Goldberg, provided music for the Eucharistic celebration.
Fr. Fitzgerald introduced the senior speakers, Henry Creel and Scott Crabtree.
Fr. Frank Reale, S.J. welcomes everyone to the Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church.
Senior Scott Crabtree gave tribute to his mother for being a parent and a friend.
Breni Crabtree was moved by her son's speech.
Seniors Henry Creel and Scott Crabtree join their mothers, Liz Creel and Breni Crabtree, after speaking at the Mother-Son Mass.
After Mass, Blue Jays escorted their moms across the street to have breakfast at The Roosevelt Hotel.
Sheryl and Jared Adams sit with Matthew and Mary Anne Stephens at a table reserved for seniors at the Mother-Son Breakfast.
William and Debbie Baudin sit next to Carol and Michael Koster at a table reserved for seniors at the Mother-Son Breakfast.
Renay and Taylor Giorlando-Wall sit at a table reserved for seniors at the Mother-Son Breakfast.