Jays Whisk Irish of Grace King with 13 Runs in 5 Innings
Jesuit and Grace King Play Again on Friday, April 5 at 6 PM at John Ryan Stadium
The Jays brought some hot bats to Metairie on Tuesday evening, scattering 10 hits and scoring 13 runs, in their district game against Grace King at Bonnabel’s field. Designated hitter Trent Forshag hit a single each of the three times he came to the plate swinging. Forshag, a sophomore, knocked in three of Jesuit’s runs. Junior second baseman Blake Baker had two hits and two RBIs, and junior third baseman Brandon Sequeira had two hits and four RBIs. The game ended after five innings with the score 13-3.
Senior pitcher Brett Leonhard struck out six batters and notched another win.
Jesuit (18-7) has the home field advantage when the team plays Grace King once more on Friday, April 5 at 6 p.m. at John Ryan Stadium.