Sophomores Volunteer a Day at Ronald McDonald House

Sophomore Day of Service: William Brown, Mr. LeBeau, Robert Christmass, Gabriel Bopp, Joshua Candies, Mr. Bourg, and Steven Baldwin
Five sophomores — Steven Baldwin, Gabriel Bop, William Brown, Joshua Candies, and Robert Christmann — volunteered for a day to serve the guests at the Ronald McDonald House around the corner from school on Canal Street. The house is available as a homely place of stay for families temporarily in town while they receive treatment for various illnesses at local hospitals.
On Saturday, Sept. 21 the small group of sophomores, with Mr. André LeBeau and Mr. Charles Bourg ’10, cooked a three-course meal for a full house of 30 guests, cleaned and sanitized the inside of the house, and also weeded and performed general upkeep to the outside of the house. The Blue Jays working in the kitchen served a complete dinner consisting of two large mixed green salads with fresh-cut vegetables, three large casserole dishes of lasagna, garlic cheese bread, and freshly made brownies. Near the end of their volunteer day, the house was spotless and filled with the appetizing aromas from their cooking. It was truly a scene of Blue Jays living out their call to be Men for Others.
The sophomore day of service is meant to serve as an introduction to the students’ much larger, more intensive 100-hour project that begins in their junior year.
Learn more about the Sophomore Day of Service.