E-Board Officers Finalized After Run-Off Election
Jesuit’s student body finalized the slate of Student Council E-Board officers in a run-off election Thursday. Results for the election of officers to the 2016-2017 Student Council Executive Board are:
Treasurer — sophomore Eddie Redmann
Vice President — junior Guy Cresson
President — junior William Fine
Sophomore Leo John Arnett was elected to the position of secretary Wednesday.
Grade Level Officers
While today’s results sealed the executive board, the race for grade level officers is still open. Students from all grade levels interested in running for class level president can pick up nomination forms from the student council office.
The Student Council is composed of representatives from all grade levels. Its purposes are:
- To serve as a unifying agency in support of all school activities
- To foster in the students the ideals of Jesuit High School and to inspire the highest type of school spirit
- To provide a means of creating better fellowship and understanding between faculty and students and among the students themselves
- To provide a greater opportunity for self-government and experience in democratic practices by affording a realistic representation of the views of the student body
- To develop in its members the ideals and practice of Christian leadership