For 1,418 Blue Jays, a Morning Assembly Officially Opens the New School Year

From the roof, Blue Jays form neat rows in the Traditions Courtyard at the first assembly of the new school year.
The first full day of school for the 2013-14 year kicked off on Friday, August 16 without a hitch, hiccup, or even the heebie-jeebies. This year’s enrollment of 1,418 Blue Jays is the largest number since 2005-06 when Jesuit started with 1,459 students. Then there was Katrina, which reduced enrollment to 1,388. This year’s population includes 317 new students, 276 of whom are pre-freshmen. For their first day, Blue Jays experienced all seven of their classes, a mid-morning break, and a lunch period where the cafeteria staff served a lot of gumbo and other delicious treats.
Opening Day, Aug. 16, 2013
Junior Zack Snow
Pre-freshmen on bottom row, from left, Joey Dupepe, Ryan Hamilton, Austin Oliva, Max Elvir, Chase Cutrer, and Carson MacKenzie; freshmen on top row, Charlie Juge, Adam Hassan, Hunt Navar, Will Daigle, William Rosly, and Robert Hayden.
Something piques the curiosity of pre-freshman Eric-Michael Schorr, and he points skyward to show classmate Hunter Babineaux, who does his best to remain aloof.
The Three Juniors: Raymond Nash, J.P. Sandoz, and Michael Schwing enjoyed lunch at a table with a view of the courtyard.
Clockwise from left: pre-freshman Samuel Caluda, sophomore Ethan Schneider, freshman Mitchell Barras, sophomores Gabe Griffin, Austin Blanchard, and Ely Yen, and freshman Matthew Caluda.
Sophomores Cade Couvillion and Jordan Spann
Freshmen foursome Jonathan Vegh, Chris Meadows, Davis Martin, and William Lopez opted for pizza and hamburgers.
Freshman Travis Huizar and senior Gui Kirsch are ready to feast on sausage gumbo.
Sophomores Caleb Chauhan and Cristian Archaga
The bookstore and Blue Jay Shop did a brisk business on opening day. Mr. Paul Rogers, manager and math teacher, troubleshoots a computer issue, while sophomore J.T. Odell (left) makes a purchase with help from junior Bryan Jones and pre-freshman Caleb Rogers (son of Mr. Rogers).
Minutes before the warning bell on opening day, Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J., president of Jesuit, walks toward a group of faculty and administrators, including (clockwise from top) principal Peter Kernion, student activities director Matrt Orillion, disciplinarian Top Abshire, and campus ministry director Jeremy Reuther.
Freshmen Chris Zelenka and Dylan Dempsey
These juniors enjoy lunch under an oak. Seated at left is Collin Thibodeaux; seated on the bench, from left, are Patrick Fine, Patrick Simonson, Brandon Sprague, Anthony Smith, and Chris Simmons.
From left, juniors James Deichmann, Steven Giorlando, Emmett Kitchens, and Peyton Smith enjoy a leisurely lunch in the shade.
Blue Jays gather under the oaks in the Traditions Courtyard for lunch.
Freshman Ian Doskey (left) and pre-freshman Prestin Dantin '18 are off to class.
Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. '76, president of Jesuit High School, addresses Blue Jays.
Peter Kernion '90 addresses his first assembly as Jesuit's new principal.
Pre-freshmen homerooms line up at the rear and eventually end up where seniors can be found.
From the roof, Blue Jays form neat rows in the Traditions Courtyard at the first assembly of the new school year.