Redesigned Website Offers New and Familiar Features

Posted September 20, 2013 / Last updated September 29, 2014

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The new website of Jesuit High School went live on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013. The new site features a responsive design, which provides an optimal viewing experience — easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling. The new site accommodates a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to tablets to mobile phones. This article provides some guidelines and basic troubleshooting tips to help you navigate the new site.

Finding Outdated Information?

The website was upgraded on Oct. 4 to help display new content more regularly. If you’ve found a page that seems outdated, please reload the page in your browser to display updated content. Keyboard shortcuts to reload a page: PC users, press CTRL + F5. Mac users, press COMMAND + R.

Page Design Responds to Your Screen Size

Depending on the device you are using, some features may be located on different sections of the page as the site reconfigures for various screen sizes.

Desktop or Laptop Computers

Desktop or laptop computer users may see this version of the site.

From a desktop or laptop computer, links to four gateway pages are located in the top right of the home page and feature specific content for each audience — Parents, Students, Alumni, and Faculty. The main navigation menu — About, Academics, Admissions, etc. — is located in a blue bar at the top of the page.

iPad, Tablets, or Devices with Smaller Displays

Tablet users or users with smaller computer monitors may see this version of the site.

From a tablet, links to the gateway pages —Parents, Students, Alumni, and Faculty —and main navigation pages — About, Academics, Admissions, etc. — are located in the Main Menu drop down. Pages within each section are located in the More Links drop down menu below Main Menu.

If you see this view while using a PC, but prefer to see the Desktop view, zoom out and refresh the page. The layout adapts to your zoom and your display size.

Mobile Devices

Users who access the site via their mobile device may see this version of the site.

From a mobile device, the gateway pages — Parents, Students, Alumni, and Faculty — and main navigation pages — About, Academics, Admissions, etc.— are located in the Main Menu drop down. Pages within each section are located in the More Links drop down menu below Main Menu.

Navigating the New Site

Some of the pages and links that viewers of Jesuit’s previous website had become accustomed to have changed with the new site. Several of the new pages and features provide additional information and even facilitate your involvement at Jesuit.

Archive of Jesuit’s Previous Website

When planning for the website’s re-design, Jesuit was careful to ensure that stories, photos, and features on the previous site would remain intact. The previous website has become the Archives site.

Keeping In Touch & Being Involved

At the top right section of each page, there are links to view the Calendar, Contacts, Blue Jay Shop, and Donate. Each of these pages makes it easier than ever to become involved, communicate with, and support Jesuit.

Gateway Pages

Students, Parents, Faculty, and Alumni each have a gateway to resources and news tailored to their interests.

Share an Article

Now you can share your favorite Jesuit articles a variety of ways, including email and social media. Below the headline, look for the Print, Email, and Share links. Additional links are located at the bottom of each article.

Photo Galleries

Missed a photo gallery? Check the Photo Galleries page.

Check Progress Reports

From a desktop or tablet, go to the Parents page and use the Grades and Reports Login. From a mobile device, select the Main Menu drop down and view the Parent page.

Login to JAYSON (Moodle)

From a desktop or tablet, go to the Students page and use the JAYSON login. From a mobile device, select the Main Menu drop down and view the Student or Faculty pages. If you’re having trouble logging in, please contact the technology office at (504) 483-3990 or

Register for Events

You can register for events, like the Mother-Son Mass & Breakfast, by visiting the Events page. The calendar listing on the Events page displays links to sign-up, purchase tickets, and RSVP to various Jesuit-related activities. Some upcoming events and commonly visited pages may be found by using the Quick Links drop down. You could also view the calendar, locate an event or activity, and click the item to register.

Print a Campus Map

View and print a campus map on the Campus page.

Print the 10-Day Calendar of Events

The printable 10-Day Calendar is located in the Calendars section. Click on Calendars (located above the gateway pages on a desktop, or in the Main Menu drop down on a tablet or mobile device). Then click on Printable 10-Day Calendar (located on the left side of the page on a desktop, or in the More Links drop down menu on a tablet or mobile device). The 10-Day Calendar is a PDF and is also listed in the sub-menus of the Students, Parents, and Faculty pages.

Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements are linked in the sub-menus of the Student and Faculty gateway pages.

Contact Jesuit

The Contact link (located above the gateway pages on a desktop, or in the Main Menu drop down on a tablet or mobile device) provides a Faculty and Staff Directory (located on the left side of the page on a desktop, or in the More Links drop down menu on a tablet or mobile device). There is a search tool in the Faculty and Staff Directory that allows you to search by name or department. The Contact section also allows you to update your own contact information. Alumni may also send Where Y’at and Bib List information for Jaynotes.

Do You Speak Jesuit?

Browse through the list of commonly-used Jesuit terms.


If you’ve bookmarked the previous Jesuit web site, you may want to replace your old bookmark. You could also bookmark a gateway page or a favorite page you plan to use most often.

When in Doubt, Click Around

Reach the Home page at any time by clicking on the Jesuit logo at the top of the page.

Hover your mouse over blue text — if the blue changes color or your mouse arrow shows a pointing hand, click it to learn more.

Can’t Find It?

Try using the search box. The new search engine is robust and will locate news articles and pages. Results will display the newest item at the top. If you’re looking for an exact phrase, such as In Memoriam or Breakfast with the President, try using quotes in your search. (Ex. Type “In Memoriam” or “Breakfast with the President.” This will bring up a search for the exact phrase within the quotation marks.) If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, contact the web staff using the General Inquiries contact form or call the Switchboard at (504) 486-6631.