Mobile Wallpaper

Jesuit wants to make it easy for you to show your Blue Jay Spirit! Below are images that can be used for mobile backgrounds on a variety of phones. Simply scroll through and choose the desired image and size. See below for more instructions.

All images/logos are intended for use by individuals only and may not be sold, redistributed, or used for any commercial purpose. All images/logos are copyrighted by Jesuit High School of New Orleans.


320×480  |  480×800  |  640×960
640×1136  |  540×960

BlockJ_320x480320×480  |  480×800  |  640×960
640×1136  |  540×960

AMDG_320x480320×480  |  480×800  |  640×960
640×1136  |  540×960
Aerial_JRS_320x480320×480  |  480×800  |  640×960
640×1136  |  540×960
Aerial_Campus_320x480320×480  |  480×800  |  640×960
640×1136  |  540×960


To download an image for your mobile wallpaper background:

Choose the link to the desired picture and appropriate size for your screen, then complete one of the following steps:

  • Download the image to your phone using the Web browser on your phone. Once the picture is downloaded and saved on your phone, set it as your background. Long-pressing the image will bring up a menu allowing you to set the image as your wallpaper on some phones.
  • Download the graphic to your computer and email it to your phone. Save the graphic from your email to your phone and set the saved image as your background.
  • Download the picture to your computer and then transfer the files from your computer to your phone using either a USB cable or Bluetooth.

For additional help, please review the manual for your mobile device or contact your wireless carrier for in-depth instructions and capabilities.

Not sure which size to use? See common phone dimensions below:

Mobile phone
Try this size first
Samsung 480×800
iPhone 5 640×1136
iPhone 4, 4S, 3GS, 3G 640×960
Blackberry Bold, Torch 480×800
HTC, LG 540×960 or 480×800


All images are intended for use by individuals only and may not be sold, redistributed, or used for any commercial purpose. Images by Jesuit High School of New Orleans.