In Memoriam

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This page features death notices and information about funeral services pertaining to deceased members of the Jesuit High School community. The page is frequently updated and is based mainly on information contained in the death notices published on and in the New Orleans Advocate. The list of deceased is also compiled and printed in Jaynotes, Jesuit’s alumni publication.

Jesuit alumni who live outside the metro New Orleans region are encouraged to submit information about their deceased loved ones.

Alumni can also email us at or call us at (504) 483-3947 to submit information or ask questions about information the In Memoriam process.

For In Memoriam listings prior to June 1, 2013, visit Jesuit’s website archives.

Posted Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Elizabeth Prillmayer Krebs

Grandmother of Brendan M. ’05 and Evan P. Murphy ‘11

Wake 10-12 noon Friday 2/13/15
Mass 12 noon Friday 2/13/15
At Lake Lawn

Joseph Thomas Crapanzano, Sr.

Father of Joseph T., Jr. ’74, John P. ’84, and Peter B. Crapanzano ‘84

Grandfather of Joseph T. Crapanzano III ‘13

Wake 11-1 p.m. Thursday 2/12/15
Mass 1 p.m. Thursday 2/12/15
At St. Philip Neri
6500 Kawanee Ave.

Posted Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Jamie Fortier Valigosky

Grandmother of Barry L., Jr. ’99 and Andre’ M. Gros ‘01

Wake 10-12 noon Friday 2/13/15
Mass 12 noon Friday 2/13/15
At Greenwood

Leonie Jacobs Milazo

Mother of Nicholas J. Milazo ‘65

Grandmother of John M. ’91, Joseph M. ’92, and Timothy J. Milazo ‘97

Services private

Posted Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lucille Duplantier Leehans

Sister of the late Maurice R. Duplantier ‘34

Wake 11-12 noon Wednesday 2/11/15
Mass 12 noon Wednesday 2/11/15
At St. Edward the Confessor
4921 West Metairie

John Gerard Discon’ 50

Father of J. Gary, Jr. ’75, Thomas M. ’77, and Gregory T. Discon ‘84

Grandfather of John G. III ’99 and David L. Discon ‘16

Wake 10:30-12:30 p.m. Wednesday 2/11/15
Mass 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 2/11/15
At Holy Name of Jesus
6367 St. Charles Ave.

Posted Saturday, February 7, 2015

Claire Louise Parson

Grandmother of Joshua D. Gaspard ‘18

Wake 9-11 a.m. Monday 2/9/15
Mass 11 a.m. Monday 2/9/15
At Leitz-Eagan
4747 Verterans

Francis Theodore Glowacki

Father of Gregory L. Glowacki ‘69

Wake 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tuesday 2/10/15
Mass 10:30 a.m. Tuesday 2/10/15
At Holy Rosary
1322 Moss St

Elma Louise Dillion

Grandmother of William M. Varney ‘06

Private services

Posted Thursday, February 5, 2015

David Paul Dey

Son of the late Harold S. Dey ‘40

Father of David P. Dey, Jr. ‘10

Brother of Christopher C. Dey ‘69

Wake 10-11 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
At Lake Lawn

David Paul Dey

Son of the late Harold S. Dey ‘40

Father of David P. Dey, Jr. ‘10

Brother of Christopher C. Dey ‘69

Wake 10-11 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
At Lake Lawn

Posted Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Adolph Ignatius Lachmann

Grandfather of Anthony I. Lopez ‘09

Wake 6-9 p.m. Friday 2/6/15
9-10:30 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
At Mothe’s
2100 Westbanks Expwy.
Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
At St. Anthony
Gretna LA

Posted Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rev. Francis Victor Ferrier, S.J.’ 47

Wake 9-11 Saturday 2/7/15
Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 2/7/15
At Our Lady of Wisdom
5600 Gen. DeGaulle

August Edward Doskey

Son of the late Albert A. Doskey, Jr. ‘47

Services in Covington LA

Posted Monday, February 2, 2015

Melvin John St. Blanc’ 45

Brother of the late Victor J. St. Blanc, Jr. ‘35

Wake 10-12 noon Friday 2/6/15
Mass 12 noon Friday 2/6/15
At Lake Lawn
Donations to Class ’45 Jesuit High School, 4133 Banks St., New Orleans LA 70119 or on line