In Memoriam

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This page features death notices and information about funeral services pertaining to deceased members of the Jesuit High School community. The page is frequently updated and is based mainly on information contained in the death notices published on and in the New Orleans Advocate. The list of deceased is also compiled and printed in Jaynotes, Jesuit’s alumni publication.

Jesuit alumni who live outside the metro New Orleans region are encouraged to submit information about their deceased loved ones.

Alumni can also email us at or call us at (504) 483-3947 to submit information or ask questions about information the In Memoriam process.

For In Memoriam listings prior to June 1, 2013, visit Jesuit’s website archives.

Posted Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jerome Warren

Brother of the late Francis J., Jr, ’43 and the late James E. Warren ‘49

Services in Mandeville LA

Carmen Figuero Torres

Grandmother of Jacob L. Torres ‘19

Wake 11-1 p.m. Saturday 1/24/15
Services 1 p.m. Saturday 1/24/15
At Jacob Schoen and Son
Canal Street

Marie Schmidt Salassi

Grandmother of Patrick B. Haygood ’09 and Sean C. Salassi ‘10

Services at a later date

Jeanne Watkins Raspino

Grandmother of Michael L. Raspino ‘98

Services in Lacombe LA

John Petrocco

Grandfather of Brett R. Balser ‘17

Services in Colorado

Posted Friday, January 16, 2015

Elizabeth Ann Zimmermann

Daughter of the late John A. Zimmermann, Sr. 1917

Sister of Lawrence F. Zimmermann ‘53

Services were held 1/14/15

Frank Gerard Gallo

Stepfather of Anthony V. LaNasa, Jr. ‘95

Wake 10-1 p.m. Saturday 1/17/15
Mass 1 p.m. Saturday 1/17/15
At St. Francis Xavier
440 Metairie Rd

Sterling Cincore, Sr.

Father of Sterling Cincore, Jr. ‘74

Services in Los Angeles CA

Posted Thursday, January 15, 2015

Marie Blange Vidal

Wife of the late Peter G. Vidal, Jr. ‘34

Memorial Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 1/17/15
At St. Agnes
3310 Jefferson Hwy

Sam Talamo

Grandfather of Tyrone J. Talamo ‘93

Wake 11-1 p.m. Monday 1/19/15
Mass 1 p.m. Monday 1/19/15
At Greenwood

Dianne Dobbins Schindler

Daughter of the late Waller H. Dobbins ‘32

Services in Mandeville LA

Frances Moreaux Gallagher

Grandmother of Patrick L. Gallagher ‘04

Wake 10-11 a.m. Saturday 1/17/15
Mass 11 a.m. Saturday 1/17/15
At Our Lady of perpetual Help
8970 Hwy 23, Belle Chasse LA

Rene Joseph Fourcade III’ 55

Wake 9-10:30 a.m. Saturday 1/17/15
Mass 10:30 a.m. Saturday 1/17/15
At Jacob Schoen and Son
Canal Street

Elizabeth Lorraine Walsh Beelman

Sister of the late Benjamin F. Walsh, Jr. ‘42

Private services held 1/15/15

Posted Wednesday, January 14, 2015

John E. Curry

Grandfather of Sean P. ’92 and Kelly R. Burke ‘94

Wake 11-1 p.m. Thursday 1/15/15
Mass 1 p.m. Thursday 1/15/15
At Leitz-Eagan
4747 Veterans