Blue Jays Continue Spiritual Journey in South America
By Jeremy Reuther, Director of Campus Ministry
The World Youth Day travelers have spent three fantastic days in South America! The group traveled to the Jesus reduction on the morning of Wednesday, July 17 for a tour of the grounds and some singing in the bell tower. The acoustics were fantastic! The visit was followed with Mass at the cathedral in Encarnacion, which featured a beautiful stained glass image of the day’s patron, St. Roque Gonzales. After a meat feast lunch in Encarnacion and a brief visit to a beach outside Posadas, the group hit the road again for Santa Maria de Fe. After a brief talk on the fruit of sacrifice in a life a faith, everyone spent time on the bus in prayer, reflecting on the spiritual themes of the day. The hosts at Santa Maria greeted the hungry pilgrims with chicken and karaoke. Needless to say, a good time was had by all! Earl Johnson ’13 got things started by singing Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror,” but Brendan Besh really brought down the house leading a sing-along of the ever popular “Piano Man.”