Message from the National Honor Society President

Posted October 4, 2013 / Last updated August 8, 2014

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A message from Kevin Yokum, National Honor Society President

Fellow NHS Members:

Welcome to the 2013-14 school year!  Jesuit is going through a year of transition, and this has opened up a number of opportunities for the St. Aloysius Gonzaga Chapter of the National Honor Society.  Many of our great traditions will remain – lunchtime tutoring, two service projects per quarter, and the NHS Thanksgiving drive, just to name a few – but many new events and traditions will be established.  For starters, the National Honor Society Induction for new junior and senior members will be held on October 30, at the beginning of the second quarter.  This will allow these new members to get the mNationalHonorsSocietyInduction_20130110_005ost out of NHS during this school year.  In addition, the National Honor Society will be starting a new program called “Operation: Admissions,” to assist juniors and seniors who are seeking admission into the nation’s top colleges and scholarship programs.  More information on this program will be provided soon.  Finally, near the end of the school year we will be hosting a National Honor Society Week, similar to Homecoming Week or Welcome Week.  During this week, there will be exciting lunchtime events for the student body that demonstrate the National Honor Society’s four pillars of scholarship, leadership, character, and service.  The week will culminate with the National Honor Society Senior Send-off, a social event full of food and games to say goodbye to our graduating members.  These and other events will help NHS assume its place as the center for academic life and service at Jesuit.  I hope that you take advantage of all the new and exciting opportunities in the National Honor Society this year!


Kevin Yokum, National Honor Society President